(Fixed Linux Build)
Empty prize cabinets renew at the start of a new year. Any renewed cabinets pool from a random stock of prizes for their level. Renewed machines will increase the number of keys required to redeem by 1. (any old saves will have to wait until the next year on day 1 for cabinets to renew)
New items Red Storage Chest (50 slots), and Modern Spinning Wheel+ added to game
Added cabinets to buy prize keys directly from Cid (for late game so you don’t have to buy/sell stuff just to rack up points)
Added visual feedback when buying items (buy button animates and amount subtracted from gold shown in top UI panel)
All JSON data moved to InstallDirectory/Everafalls_Data/SteamingAssets/Data. Simpler Editing/Modding of values
“Simulation Over” intro text is now using localized string, localizations for this still needs to be done.
Increased prize key redeem costs for pink and yellow keys slightly
Beehive swapped for new Modern Spinning Wheel+ item (non craftable enhanced version of modern spinning wheel) in Virtual Labyrinth event
Increased spinning wheel time to process
Reduced Spinning Wheel craft requirements, increased Spinning Wheel Modern craft requirements
Increased rope requirement in recipes
Bugs Fixed
Fixed Issues speaking with Bram with any item held in hand
Simulation chair no longer softlocks when dying with a prize to claim
Spooklets no longer get you after you die in dungeon VR.
Again, potential fix for Dungeon loading issue when changing rooms, please screenshot and report if you encounter, thank you!!
Sacred tree area has light rays show when area is completely restored.
Pixie caves has light rays showing properly
Fixed text outlines on map and dungeon VR level labels.
[Linux] Invisible UI on ubuntu fixed
Issue where mouse cursor does not appear again after backing out from 2 player mode to title screen fixed.
Fixed Holding down backspace while confirming text input will make input think backspace still being held down
AAmy no longer walking across water on her alternate schedule day
Sales page spacing between “x” made consistent
Sales page Item Icons made larger
Fixed ridiculously cheap prices for decorative items in shops
Known Issues:
Audio not working in Linux build
Animals being able to squeeze through fence gaps
Ponya being able to be placed in small barn. Animal pathing stuck on steps
Daisy and Cedric standing up in bench
Monsters moving incredibly fast (Anyone else beside MuffinMages experiencing this? Please report)
Controller mappings reset on computer restart
Some buttons not working in co-op mode/remote play before/during tutorial
Seeds and trees can be placed on and grow through rugs placed outside
Fences don’t tile correctly with T shape is created
Changed files in this update