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Minigame Madness update for 24 February 2024

Minigame Madness V0.5.2 is out NOW!

Share · View all patches · Build 13550579 · Last edited 24 February 2024 – 20:33:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Bi-Weekly Update!

This update we got some requested features, tons of fixes & Robot Ruckus improvements! 🤖🤟

Check the changelog at the bottom of this post for the full list of changes!

Credit: @GhostOfHerobrine

Spectator Freecam

This update we added a long-requested freecam mode, that can be enabled by double-clicking (quickly double-tapping the Interact key) while spectating. You're free to move the freecam wherever you like! 🤩

Besides spectating whoever & whatever you like, it's also great for taking pictures and breaking the laws of physics by clipping through the ground! ☠️☠️

Improved Friends List

It's often been difficult to find time to compare your stats with friends, because when they're online you're likely competing with them in minigames instead. 🤔

Your friends' profiles are now ALWAYS visible in your friends list, no matter whether they're online or not, giving you sufficient time to analyze who's the best at shooting robots in the face! 🤖🔫

Minigame AI Training has Started!

This update and coming updates might feel a little bit smaller, as we're working towards potentially the biggest feature yet: competitive AI bots, that are at the level of human skill.

Because Minigame Madness offers so many types of genres, and will continue to expand in genres, the difficulty of programming bots manually for all minigames is simply an impossible task!

That's why we've decided to attempt to train bots using machine-learning neural networks:

While they're not very intelligent yet, we hope to someday have intelligent competitive bots that can be automatically trained on whatever minigame we release!

⚠️ This will be an ongoing behind-the-scenes effort. Bots are not yet in-game, and won't be for some time. It's possible that they'll never reach a state that we're happy with. It's a risky feature to develop, with potentially high reward. We'll keep you updated in our news articles!

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned on all Minigame Madness news, by following us on Steam and joining the Discord community!

Have an epic day! Or an average one. No pressure! 👋🏼

  • Added freecam spectator mode by double clicking while spectating
  • Added Robot Ruckus 'Terminator' badge & achievement
  • Added a "Not available in Lite" tooltip to all disabled interface elements in Lite
  • Changed friendslist to show offline friends
  • Changed Robot Ruckus robots to have more tactical AI that doesn't clump together
  • Changed Robot Ruckus robots to instantly disintegrate on being shot
  • Changed more Robot Ruckus robots to spawn based on player count (spawncount x4 at 16 players)
  • Changed default controller inputs
  • Fixed many performance issues in Robot Ruckus
  • Fixed being able to escape Robot Ruckus map
  • Fixed Robot Ruckus robots spawning in the sky
  • Fixed Robot Ruckus lasers never reaching target on low fps
  • Fixed more Robot Ruckus robots spawning on Private than on Arcade servers
  • Fixed being able to climb up the Summit Scramble dunes
  • Fixed scorebar in Blazing Bullets and Robot Ruckus being weird
  • Fixed scorebar showing in Hub after being kicked from a game (hopefully)
  • Fixed minigame WIP text showing in Hub (hopefully)
  • Fixed random death message on minigame switch (hopefully)
  • Fixed sometimes camera not having collision in Hub (hopefully)
  • Fixed not being able to stand on Shop sign
  • Fixed lit Disco Disorder tiles remaining after game end on poor connection
  • Fixed holes in Frantic Forces map
Windows Depot 1408081
  • Loading history…
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