The game now uses Unity's High Definition Rendering Pipeline to bring you higher quality graphics.
The Unity Engine has been updated to the newer major version of 2023.2.
Dinosaur AI spawning is now multithreaded to improve the game's performance.
Dinosaurs have received some optimizations to improve the game's performance.
Reduced Game RAM usage by approximately 1gb+ by restructuring the scent system.
Nearly all of the dinosaurs in the game now use Streaming Virtual Texturing to reduce the amount of RAM used by their textures.
Improved the game's startup time.
The "Cozy 2" sky/weather system has been updated to the new major version "Cozy 3".
The "Stylized Water" water system has been replaced with the "Crest HDRP" water system.
Some trees and plants have been replaced with prehistoric trees and plants. More to come soon.
The frequency that dinosaurs could fall through the ground has been reduced.
Dinosaurs can now regenerate stamina if they have food poisoning.
AI max level has been reduced because a lot of AI was just too powerful compared to the player.
Starting to sprint no longer costs 5% of your dinosaur's max stamina.
Dinosaurs now have collision with other dinosaurs.
Dinosaur elder stage base size was reduced from adult + 50% to adult + 10%.
Dinosaur infinite growth (after reaching the final growth stage of Elder) has been greatly toned down. Now you gain growth points at 5% the normal rate (was 20%) and the size you do grow is now 5% of the normal growth rate (was 100%). This was done to keep elder dinosaurs closer to their adult size and not be so extreme so easily.
Swim speed has been decreased to about 50% for all aquatic dinosaurs.
Precise movement speed has decreased to about 25% for all dinosaurs.
If a group of dinosaurs spawns, they are now spread further apart from each-other.
Increased the rate at which edible fish/plants/trees fill the map at startup.
Dinosaurs are now more abundant in the Pangaea map.
AI now lose stamina from running and require it in order to run.
AI run and sprint speeds have been lowered.
Aquatic AI is now less likely to get beached.
Other improvements and adjustments.
Bug fixes.
Changed files in this update