Asteroid Lost
If you login after the asteroid is supposed to hit your homeworld, you never see the asteroid.
Asteroid impact time is now set to one hour past the current time if you load the game after the impact time.
Scenario text was updated to not say the asteroid will pass harmlessly if you are not on line.
Scroll Bar Colors
My old eyes have a hard time seeing the handle widget on scroll bars.
Scroll bar handles now stand out quite well.
In the process of working on this I discovered that Qt added the ability to control the style of menu separators, either that or it was always there but undocumented. Either way those separators look right now. They used to look really bad on Windows. I hope this is an improvement. Will check on my Windows box.
Empire Name Generator
Add random empire name generator to empire creation dialog.
System Generation Error
I have seen an occasional error message complaining that an orbit could not be found for a companion star. This would explain the occasional companion star that orbits too close to the primary.
Fixed. This could cause a change to the contents of some solar systems. If they have already been generated, they will be fine the way they are. If they decay and get regenerated later, the extra star will be gone.
Yeet Bug
This bug has been reported a few times. I have never experienced it so finding it is not easy. The bug manifests as a spacecraft getting thrown far outside the galaxy for no apparent reason.
I learned something from the atom desync bug. Armed with that knowledge, I hardened some code in various places against similar problems. There is a chance it will eliminate the yeet bug. Https Urls
Urls embedded in the software that point to should be updated with https protocol specifiers, now that the SSL certificate is back.
Changed files in this update