Turbo Mode performance improvement
- Turbo (fast-forward) mode has been optimized to run smoothly at all speed multiples. It does this by running one full simulation step per frame, and then repeating the last recorded net gain/loss for each item multiple times, until it catches up with the targeted simulation time.
- If a building or research is completed during these 'repeat' simulation steps, another full simulation step is triggered to calculate updated delta values (so you don't spend more than you need to on a building or research).
- This process can occur multiple times in a single frame, which may be necessary if lots of buildings are completing in rapid succession. However if the game is unable to run enough full simulations within the limit for a single frame (1/60 of a second), it will save those simulation steps for the next frame, and so on. This can result in a difference between the target turbo rate and the actual number of simulation steps run, but it will not spend more time tokens on these steps than are actually used not will it cause the frame rate to suffer.
Production Tooltip Improvements
- Production and Consumption are now grouped more clearly, and a ‘Total’ value is shown beneath each section.
- The “Potential” and “% Potential” are now based on how much can be produced within the constraints of actual storage space. That is, if a recipe is running slowly due to storage being full for its output item, this will show as running at “100% potential”, instead of appearing as running at < 100%. A recipe will only show as running at < 100% potential if there are not enough inputs to run the recipe at full speed.
- Can expand and collapse Production and Consumption groups in production tooltip panel
- Can click on headers to sort production/consumption tooltip by Name, Contribution %, Potential, Actual, and % Potential contribution values
Misc Improvements
- Save games now remember which building category tab was last visible, so it can be loaded when restarted
- The expand / collapse state of headers on the Trading panel are shared between towns, making it easier to track specific items' status when switching towns using hotkeys (Ctrl+Left Arrow or Ctrl+Right Arrow)
- Manual recipe production via click will potentially add to max demand per second for the purposes of increasing storage
- Added more contrast on the background for each building’s available production capacity, to help differentiate it from the recipe’s production capacity
Booster Building Changes
Changes were made to the Booster buildings (Factory, Airship, Magic Boat) to include items that were not boosted by anything, and remove double boosts of some items. The new logic is:
- 'Factory' boosts Workshop, Tailor, Pasture, Machine Shop, Stone Mason, Lumber Mill, and Food mill.
- 'Magic Boat' boosts Medicine Hut, Bakery, and Gourmet Kitchen
- 'Airship' boosts Jeweler, Refinery, and Enchanter.
- 'Foundry' (new building) boosts production speed of Forge and Magic Forge buildings.
The effects of these changes are as follows:
- Bread, Apple Juice, Pear Juice, and Berry Juice were boosted by both Factory and Magic Boat, now they are only boosted by the Magic Boat.
- Tailor items were being boosted by both Factory and Airship, now they are only boosted by the Factory.
- Pasture recipes were not boosted by anything, they are now boosted by the Factory.
- Refinery and the Enchanter were not boosted by anything, they are now boosted by the Airship.
- Glass was boosted by the Workshop, now it’s boosted by the Foundry.
- All other Forge and Magic Forge items were not boosted by anything, now they are boosted by the Foundry.
Balance Changes
- Changed cost growth curve for all Buildings. In general they cost more at lower counts, and much less at higher (100+) counts
- Effect of upgrades for Steam Pipeline, Omni Pipeline, Power Line, Magma Pipeline, and Omni Pipeline are now exponential (they double their effect each level) instead of increasing the base effect by 50% each level. There are also 10 levels of each instead of 5. Each level requires more of the underlying building type to unlock the next upgrade type.
- Infinite research “Goods Consumption Boost” (which increases max market supply rates) increased from 20% per level to 50% per level
- Building construction times do not scale so high when you have hundreds / thousands of buildings
- Increased thresholds at which Quarry construction requires advanced items like Steel and Refined Planks
Bug Fixes
- Background tint of menu row items would occasionally have inconsistent colors
- Production speed tooltip was showing ‘Baseline Speed’, but not any indicator if the recipe produces more than 1 unit of output per recipe. This was causing the displayed potential items/sec value to not match the displayed values when added up. A new line for ‘Productivity’ has been added that displays number if items per recipe loop that are produced.
- Building cost would be shown in red if player could not currently afford the entire cost, which is not applicable since the cost is paid gradually
- Inventory items would sometimes appear empty for a single frame when new construction started
- Displayed costs in the pop-up construction details panel would sometimes not reflect the current increment multiple
- Decreasing storage, and then increasing storage, was causing items to disappear and created possibility for goods production exploit
- High-level towns (> 60) would have increasingly long load times
Changed files in this update