v1.4.3.0 Experimental
In Game
★ Base defenses rework.
★ Added Torpedo nets.
★ Added Nagara.
- Added proper fire control systems for destroyers and above.
- Added threat level to passive combat heat gain conversion.
- Added threat notifier dialog.
- Added weather and time of day effects to threat system.
- Added navigation system to skirmishes. Pursuits away and towards to the player are now more direct.
- Removed minor target hit assistance for projectiles, engagement distances will matter a lot more.
- Improved machine gun noises.
- New foliage rendering system.
- Added assault cooldown system.
- Added variable RP bounty and display to targets list.
- Added variable vision ranges for bases.
- Added friendlies vision transfer of map.
- Threat gain by electronics as been capped to the first threat level
- Threat gain is now calculated according to which territory the player is in.
- Player will not be attacked by threats in friendly territory.
- Changed player vision range UI element to be displayed as ticks.
- If a base is engaged without scouting, returning from the engagement no longer skips the scout bonus that is given when a bases score is revealed.
- If a type of unit in the targeting list is wiped out, they will be listed again as II, III, IV, etc so that bounty collection can continue.
- Spawn system rework.
AI behaviors
- Cut jagged pathing short if no terrain or obstacles are detected
- Increased autosave capacity 3->12.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed reserves that were marked wounded with a hidden wounded flag being deleted on player boat death, these wounded flags were cleared on every player spawn, causing it to be somewhat rare.
- Fixed things inside smoke being able to target outside by adding a reverse raycast check.
- Fixed territory visual offset glitch when returning from customization menus.
- Fixed base capture revealing enemy assault line if an assault was coming from that specific base.
- Fixed map targets being displayed at the same point when multiple named vessels are spotted.
- Fixed call-in weapon systems/launchers not being properly reset for every object.
- Fixed squadron Elcos having engine sounds.
- Fixed aircraft noise not cutting off on splash.
Changed depots in testing branch