Hi there, survivors!
The grand opening is upon us! Have you already decided who you'll bring along when you join? Enjoy ParadiZe with your friends: whether you're alone or with a teammate on your sofa or online with up to four players, you can choose how you want to play.
Build a cosy little nest, equip yourself and your Zombots, and set off to discover ParadiZe together.
It's strength in numbers out there, so feel free to delegate jobs to keep the zombies in check. Against them, anything goes. And they certainly won't hold back.
With multiple people, everyone can have their own speciality. Do you prefer hand-to-hand combat? Or fighting from range? Or maybe you prefer to play a support role…
ParadiZe will soon open its gates. We hope you've already made a reservation. If you haven't, don't delay. You can still enjoy a discount by booking your stay in advance!
Whatever you decide, we're looking forward to meeting lots of you in ParadiZe.
So, what are you waiting for? Join us!
Pre-order Welcome to ParadiZe now and get unique cosmetics and a 48 hours early unlock!
Follow our socials for more:
[Discord](https://nacon.me/paradize-discord style=button) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ParadiZeProject style=button) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/welcometoparadizegame style=button) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/ParadiZeProject style=button)
Changed depots in jenkins branch