Begin a VIP just got a lot more awesome!
Edit your online match settings to your heart's content!
From now on, VIP Upgrade DLC owners are not just able to host private games - they're capable of completly customizing their match settings! Here's a list of things that the host can now set up:
- How much time do players have to make a move.
- How many turns have to pass for a game to end (For Last Man Standing it is turn limit after which nuke falls).
- Players' starting HP.
- For how many turns do players have to wait after being eliminated
- Jump power modifier.
- Enable or disable nuke for Last Man Standing mode.
- % chance nuke has to explode each turn.
- Which weapons will spawn on the map.
- % chance for each weapon to spawn.
- Players' starting equipment so that they can begin the game already carrying some weapons.
- Choose any specific mode and map.
- Pick the number of bots that will play along real players.
Why do players have to pay to host a game?
A question that is asked often, and I can understand the frustration! Please, keep in mind that for me to be able to keep this project alive and regularly updated, it needs to generate some revenue. It's still possible to play public games with friends. I love making free games, but I'd hate to make something pay to win, and people usually don't bother buying DLC with just cosmetics - that's why I'm doing my best for the DLC to justify its price, and I hope the new update will help with that!
When you buy the DLC, you're not just getting a bunch of stuff - you're supporting the creator of the game, and the future of J-Jump Arena!
Changed files in this update