Greetings Necromancers,
The game launch was absolutely amazing, thank you everyone for the kind words and feedback. This is day 5 after release and patch number 4 has landed. This updates fixes the rest of the game breaking bugs and ads some QoL features.
Patch notes 1.0.4
- Triple Shot no longer hangs the UI
- Ambient volume setting now saves properly
- Undead move speed toggle now saves properly
- Move and Attack states now should be indicated better
- Accessibility: screen shake toggle
Coming up next are more accessibility features and UI bug fixes for ultra wide screens.
Here are the previous patch notes if you missed any.
- Warrior and Berserker after completing an attack would get UI disabled
- Achievement trigger fixes
- Animation optimizations for Damage Over Time effects
- Tooltip typo fixes
- Those who provide feedback are added to the game forever.
- Undead name pool additions: Montana, Neuk, Asmo, Javi, Violet
- Hotfix for event mission not ending when all enemies are defeated.
- A lot of wide-screen fixes (more to come)
- Archer ability bar being weird after going to settings in combat
- Mission description scroll stays after ending a run an starting a new one
- Tooltips are now not displayed for invisible ui elements
- Fixed actual unit injury healing essence cost
- Limited issue where game would hang after units get damaged by fire DOT (let me know if this happens again)
Changed files in this update