Here are the recent changes:
- The Forgotten Tower now has a parkour that leads to its peak and has npcs with optional quests.
- The Ancient Monument now requires you to kill 4 bosses in the world and gives you access to the dungeon: Lost tomb (wip, dont enter it or you will be stuck!)
- You can now burrow/unburrow your base. It will regenerate energy when burrowed.
- Added a new item: Home amulet: teleports you to your bed or the spawn when you dont have a bed.
- Added a new quest objective indicator visible in your world map.
- Added a new monster: Small snail
- Added a new building: Mechanical mouth.
- Added a small music when you upgrade your core.
- Added socials links in the main screen.
- In build mode, objects clipping is now enabled by default, and disabled with Shift.
- Reworked the Crafting Table UI, it now has categories.
- The interact UI no longer requires you to click to validate your choice.
- Raids are now only triggered after you complete the tutorial
- Reworked the instances system to be able to load the new Dungeon system (dungeons made with the World Editor)
- The Ancient Monument was moved inside the forgotten tower.
- The repair hammer now has a 2 meters radius.
- The forge minigame will now block camera movements during a game.
- The tutorial step "Preparing your defenses" now requires you to make a forge.
- Upgrading your core at tier 1 now only costs 5 wood. Tier 2 now requires 15 Iron and a Mushroom Core found in Huge mushrooms.
- All walls and roofs now have 250 hp instead of 50
- Chests now only cost 1 supply and have 100hp
- You can now swap weapons when you are in combat
- All buildings connected to your core now drain the core's energy until they have recharged their energy.
- Increased drop rates for most common items: Leather, Snail shells, Forest bat wings etc...
- Fixed all bugs related to quickslots
- Fixed all issues with targeting items and buildings, it is now based on angle and distance from camera.
- Fixed a bug with the bank's drag and drop feature that would destroy items sometimes.
- Fixed a bug with the core colliding with itself sometimes.
- Fixed a bug in cinematic mode where the camera would go underground.
- Fixed a bug with the crafting table where the required amounts would not display if you didnt have the items in your bag.
Changed files in this update