The major update to 2280 has begun and we're now ready to push out the first part of the changes.
2280 was originally implemented as a cheat mode for fun which has fallen very far behind in quality compared to the rest of the game, so with 1.4 being our last major feature update we're spending the time to re-implement it. In a future content update we'll start to introduce dedicated content for the mode too.
The physics mode selector is now in the custom race menu. And yes, it'll save your selection between game sessions!
Playing development builds
- Right click BallisticNG in your steam library and go to Properties
- Go to the betas tab on the window that opens
- From the dropdown select development. If the update doesn't automatically queue for download, restart Steam
- Once you have opened the game, the version at the bottom right of the menu will read 1.4-d7
Camera option changes
We've recently updated the camera options to be per camera mode, instead of the previous physics mode based FOVs and global settings with random specific mode settings sprinkled in.
Every camera mode now has it's own FOV and offsets, and any mode specific options are now organised with the respective modes section in the menu. Because of these changes, the names of old camera settings in the ini file have been updated so everything will be reset to their defaults.
The 2280 Update
Part 1
Part 1, this release, is the initial set of changes to the mode. We've laid the groundwork and have begun setting up ship stats. Let us know what you think!
2280s physics are now mostly separated from 2159, which has given us the opportunity to implement everything in a much cleaner and more modern way. Some parts of the physics like the ships thrust and various track bound related behaviours are still running on the 2159 code to keep that consistent, but pretty much everything else is new.
Part 2
Part 2 will be focused on exposing the new ship stats to the modding tools and separating out game mechanics like weapon absorption to be available everywhere.
The goal is for 2280 to become just a physics mode, with the game mechanics becoming options which let you mix and match whatever you like. This includes being able to do things like have weapon absorption and pitlanes enabled at the same time in any of the three physics modes/
We'll also be working towards 2280 having leaderboards, and for this we'll be setting up 2280 to use the afterburner and pitlanes as the default configuration, like with 2159.
Changelog (since 1.4-d4)
- 2280 is now mostly separated from 2159, and everything that has been separated has been rewritten from scratch
- Hovering is now handled with 4 hover points which apply torque for track alignment
- Full physics zone support (Kuiper Overturn fixed)
- The chase camera has been rewritten and now has several options to customize it
- Collisions have been rewritten and now include visual / audio feedback when hitting the track floor
- Added 2280 specific stats for various parts of the physics (adding to modding tools in a future update)
- Added support for manually defined turn speed, gain and falloff stats (adding to modding tools in a future update)
- Added grounded grip multiplier stat (adding to modding tools in a future update)
- Restored the 2159 engine sound behaviour
- NgServerSettings.BoostMechanic has been changed from an integer to an enumeration type. None, Afterburner, Turbo, Mixed (case insensitive) are now the valid assignments for both the svrset command and in lua.
- Updated example dedicated server lua scripts to reflect the BoostMechanic setting change.
- Fixed boost mechanic option not being saved or loaded with lobby presets
- Fixed initial connection failing and timing out if a player is using a secret ship that the client doesn't have unlocked
Campaign Editor
- Added support for gamemode configuration overrides. If you're writing campaigns by hand in XML, save a campaign from the editor after setting up config data and check the GmConfig section to see how this is setup.
- Added support for custom weapon pools. If writing an XML by hand, check the PuBlacklist section after using the in-game editor to see how this is setup.
- Options which previously cycled through values on clicking are now provided in a list popup.
Custom Race
- Customize Weapons renamed to Custom Weapon Pool, and is now saved per gamemode
- The boost mechanic option now supports none (multiplayer parity)
- All camera settings are now per camera mode. Previous options for specific camera modes are now listed under the camera modes section.
- Field of view settings can now go down to 60
- Hidden FOV offsets for specific camera modes have been removed. Defaults for these camera modes reflect what they would have been at default settings previously.
- Added grounder push zone to the light bridge on Luna Reverse in 2280
- Added grounder push zone to the off road hill on Freyr Falls / Freyr Falls Reverse in 2280
- Increased gravity on Haze and Haze Reverse in 2280
- Increased tension of the track spring on Kuiper Overturn and Kuiper Overturn Reverse in 2280
- Fixed light bridge floors on Aciknovae Reverse being marked as a TRM floor
- Applying both airbrakes to fully brake now requires that analogue inputs are held 1/4 way down to prevent accidentally trimming speed.
User Interface
- Moved physics mode option from Cheats and Extras into Custom Race
- Fixed the Forklift Certified title displaying when the Scorplet hasn't been unlocked yet
- Fixed DLC track categories being listed below custom tracks (regression in previous development release)
Stats Overlay (F1 twice)
- 2159 stat listings are now replaced by the equivalent 2280 stats when in 2280
- Camera stats are now editable (in debug mode)
- The cameras current FOV is now shown
- Physics toggler track scripts are now ran before ships are spawned
Changed depots in internal_testing branch