This patch addresses miscellaneous issues.
- Menus: Added a hint on the Wrestler Select screen that you can hold Y (R on keyboards) to randomize all following selections.
- Menus: In the Wrestler Select screen, holding B (ESC on keyboards) now unselects all wrestlers at once and goes to the previous screen.
- Moves: Disabled depenetration for several moves once letting loose: Back Drop, Body Slam, German Suplex, Powerbomb, Suplex.
- Moves: The Back Drop now has the victim's position adjusted to the instigator's height and slows down for heavier victims.
- Matches: Fixed the countdown appearing sometimes even after the last participant has entered. This caused an internal loop that would never allow the match to end.
- Menus: Fixed Attendance being unselectable when entering the Arena Setup screen.
- Netplay: Fixed an error preventing that the same wrestler can be loaded up multiple times at the beginning of a match, causing connecting players to time out. This problem was specific to network games.
- Physics: Fixed wrestlers occasionally being warped back to the center of the ring in the Training Gym due to overly strict world bounds.
Changed files in this update