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:sparkles: New Features
- Pitch Modifier: Added a pitch modifier on hit for better audio feedback and more engaging gameplay. It has 3 modes: Slow, fast, and random. :music:
- Character Skin Override and Browser: Added options under Settings->Visuals to override Skins of targets. :art:
- Added Favorites feature to Benchmarks, Competitions, and Workouts: You can now mark content as favorite and quickly access your list of favorites. The list of favorites replaces the old "benchmarks switcher". :star:
:computer: UI Improvements
- Redesigned browser button placement on Benchmarks, Competitions, and Workouts.
- Modified Content Browser Card Layout.
- Removed the video played when launching the game, resulting in a faster boot.
- Hid Playback icon when in a challenge that has the player running along a predetermined path.
- When uploading scenarios to Steam, the prompt will now tell you the name of the scenario that was uploaded upon success.
:game_die: Gameplay Enhancements
- New leaderboard sorting rule: In tied scores, the player with higher accuracy will rank higher, even if accuracy is not a primary scoring factor. Previously, the oldest score would rank higher. (Will only take effect with the wide public release) :dart:
- Scenario Editor: Bumped 'Block Ability for Duration on Challenge Start' max value from 5s to 100s.
:tools: Bug Fixes
- Resolved workshop cache issue causing some scenarios to be "not found".
- Fixed a performance issue in some scenarios. :wrench:
- Fixed a bug related to the Sandbox Browser that was causing FPS drops to some players. For those affected, it can increase FPS by 10 to 40%. :wrench:
- Fixed the problem with Language Settings not persisting.
- Fixed playback profile "Play" icon being visible during Challenge mode.
- Fixed the scenario challenge window not showing the “Uploader”.
- Fixed bugs with scenarios/playlists that had trailing whitespace.
- Addressed hit registration issues with Witch and Mummy characters.
- Corrected the Character Profile issue related to Lifesteal.
- Fixed a sandbox crouch exploit.
- Resolved an issue where having more than 6 categories caused overlap in Benchmarks categories.
- Disabled playback profile PLAY icon when in CHALLENGE mode.
Anime Sound Pack :loud_sound:
- Anime01.ogg :notes:
- Anime02.ogg :notes:
- Anime03.ogg :notes:
- Anime04.ogg :notes:
- Anime05.ogg :notes:
- Anime06.ogg :notes:
- Anime07.ogg :notes:
- Anime08.ogg :notes:
- Anime09.ogg :notes:
- Anime10.ogg :notes:
- Anime11.ogg :notes:
- Anime12.ogg :notes:
- Anime13.ogg :notes:
- Uwu01.ogg :heart_eyes_cat:
- Uwu02.ogg :heart_eyes_cat:
- Yaya01.ogg :baby_chick:
- Yaya02.ogg :baby_chick:
:map: New Map Creator Assets
- WA_Door
- WA_Premium
- WA_Tatami
- Bamboo_Potted
- Barrel_A
- CylinderPlank_R
- Plank
- MetalCylinder
- Statue_B
- PaperLamp_B
- BannerAnime
- Statue_B
- PaperLamp_B
- BannerAnime
- Tiles_Bend
- Tiles_Cap
- Tiles_HalfBendIn
- Tiles_HalfBendOut
- Tiles_HalfCap
- Tiles_HalfPyramid
- Tiles_HalfStraight
- Tiles_Pyramid
- Tiles_Straight
- Tree_B
:cherry_blossom: Anime Pack
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2633870/ Coming Soon :hourglass:
Changed files in this update