Update notes:
- Feature added: Hold tile (Default key: X) - A requested feature to keep a tile aside for later use has been added. This introduces a bit more strategical thinking into the game. How it works: You may use a Swap token to "hold" (set aside) the current tile temporarily. Upon retrieval the held tile will replace the current tile. You may only hold one tile at a time and must retrieve the held one before attempting to hold a new one.
- Gamepad input change: Query mode moved to Left shoulder button; Right face button (B) is now used for the "Hold tile" function.
- Bug fix: Swap tile button not showing as available in the last step of the tutorial.
- UI fix: Swap tile button (and now the Hold tile button as well) now have a "disabled" look when unavailable to use.
-> If you experience any technical issues with the game after an update, try restarting or reinstalling the game. If this doesn't fix the problem, or if you find any other bugs, please let me know in the community discussions (you can use the link in the Credits menu or click on "View discussions" on the Tile Town store page on Steam). Thanks & enjoy!
Changed files in this update