Carrier Docking Progress:
The carrier kinda slapped us around technically as we worked to implement and R&D it on the fly. Here is the remaining list till we can wrap up this card on the roadmap.CERC/Doctrine revamps that i posted about a few days ago on the Discord announcements.
- Death Condition tied to the Carrier and not Winters
- Winters is now a rebuildable Hero at the Carrier
How to opt into Experimental
To opt into experimental install "Cepheus Protocol Experimental" in your steam library.
It is no longer a beta opt in but an entirely new game granted when you purchase the base game.
Patch Notes
(Click Show details for a full breakdown of the changes)
- Fixed Movement bugs when loading units from a dock
- Fixed a bug that allows you to build multiple CERC structures on top of each other
- Fixed a nav issue with the Motor pool
- New Airfield in Angel Island adjusted for the C5 galaxy
- Birds are no longer targetable by Mortars
Please note the following going forward (Restart your game/steam to get the update if needed
General Development Updates
Letter from the Producer
New Roadmap system
We now have a new system for our community to follow along on development. This website will break down all the major systems that are coming each patch. It will not include hotfixes/bug fixes. Sections inside TBD can be included randomly if we are ahead of schedule
Ways to Support Development
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Cepheus Protocol Anthology
Experience the outbreak of the Pangu Virus from multiple perspectives across as the brave heroes of the Center for Epidemic Research and Control battle tirelessly to stop the spread of a cataclysmic alien virus that has mutated innocent people into monstrous creatures of unimaginable power
Changed files in this update