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フィッシュオアチキン update for 22 February 2024

New functions, new modes, new specifications

Share · View all patches · Build 13532159 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:27:37 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Good evening, fans of Fish or Chicken around the world!
It's time for Patch Notes 2.2.

In this patch, we have changed the item specifications, added behavior when zooming out
We have also changed the start and finish positions, and added a new challenge mode.
Please take a look at the following.

Item Specification Changes
  • Item reload specifications changed.
    Until now, the reload time of each equipped item was used for firing,
    From this patch,
    The reload time is now calculated by adding up the reload times of all equipped items and dividing by the number of items equipped.

  • Adjustment of item reload times
    The reload times for all items have been revised to reflect the above changes.
    It is interesting to consider not only the behavior but also the combination of reload times as a criterion for purchasing items in the future.

  • Intent of Specification Change
    With the previous specifications, it was only necessary to raise the Stars of the item.
    The build for rank-up was almost exclusively based on ATK.
    With this change, it is now possible to use a combination of items, or to use haste in rank ups.
    I thought it would be more interesting if the range of play increased, for example, by using equipment with a long reload time
    I thought it would be more interesting and implemented.
    The gauge to attack was added under the character's name.

Add functionality when zooming out

Did you all know that Fish or Chicken has a zoom out feature?
What? It's not mentioned in the manual? You may be right.
In fact, you can zoom out by left-clicking or holding down the L button...

  • Addition of changes in behavior when zooming out for each chicken.
    While zooming out, the movement speed is reduced, except for some classes,
    Reload time will be reduced instead.
    The individuality of the chickens will be even stronger than before.
New game mode
  • One night Festival is back.
    As a new challenge to the game mode.
    We have added a new mode where class characteristics are maxed out from the beginning and the deadline is one day.
    Challenge yourself and see how far you can go with the unusual specifications!
Various other additions
  • Changed the UI to the exit displayed when a mission is cleared.
  • The floor now always starts in the center and the goal is randomly placed from 8 different directions.
  • When hovering over an item in the inventory, if the same item is available in the store, it will now be displayed.
  • Items of the same rank in the store will now also be displayed if they are of a different rank.
  • The Good Luck indicator has been changed.
Windows Depot 2519371
  • Loading history…
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