The war is escalating, captain. Sumar forces are bringing in their bigger ships in an attempt to gain a foothold in the system. Bring your wingman and push back the tide.
Patch Notes 0.13.0
- Chapter 2 campaign added with 3 new story missions, new side missions, and a new 'Autogun' weapon type
- Unlock, customize and fly with a wingman
- Ship fitting screen sorting and filtering
- Many bug fixes and improvements
Known Issues
- Autospeed match 'close' setting does not work as expected
- Colliders for Fighter, Gunship, Carrier, and Large Transport are not optimized for best-fitting
- Jump-out animations are not scaled correctly for ships bigger than a gunship
- Player campaign progress will be updated in line with changes that have occurred to Chapter 1 missions involving Prestige reward increases for the main missions and new weapon unlocks
- Added Chapter 2 with three new story missions
- Side Mission: Added new 'Ambush' mission type
- Side Mission: Added new 'Ambushed' mission type
- Side Missions Added a new variant of 'Distress Call' mission type
- Railgun (S) is unlocked after completing Ch. 01 Mission 03
- Player fleet size is increased to allow for 1 wingman after completing Ch. 01 Mission 03
- Autogun (S) and X1-X3 versions unlocked after completing the Prologue
- AI Actor can now follow assigned priority targets including subsystem targets
- F3 key (Comms Action C) will order player wingmen to attack the subsystem component targeted by the player
- When the player enables autopilot the player's wingmen will move to enter formation during the autopilot transition cinematic
- Allowed variable replacements in dialogue for transmission panel on the HUD
- Player wingmen can be configured in empty fleet slots (slots are unlocked by progressing through the campaign)
- Added options to reset the campaign to the start of the prologue or to the start of chapter 1, accessible via the campaign menu options button
- Added Sort functionality to Ship Equipment Screen
- Added Filter functionality to Ship Equipment Screen
- Players can now use the cancel button press to exit out of the Options menus (i.e. by pressing the Escape key)
- Added Prograde and Retrograde indicators to the flight HUD
- Added Guided Bomb Minimum Range Release Condition (>= 2000m) for AI Actor consideration
- Added the Sumar Cruiser as a selectable ship in Skirmish mode
- Audio volume adjustments to avoid certain sounds drowning out others
- Prestige Balance no longer abbreviated below values of 1 Million in the ship fitting screen
- Briefing/Debriefing font has been replaced
- Made improvements to text on the main menu screen to make them more easily readable against bright background elements
- Adjusted text sizes to min-max range, and prevented text wrapping with text in the HUD Target Info Panel
- Reduced MLRS missile damage
- Went through briefings and debriefings for main and side missions to ensure they all used the same layout along with some typo and grammar fixes
- Wingmen formations can now account for an indefinite number of wingmen without worrying they will spawn inside each other and become a Tuvix
- The Options button in the Campaign Menu now opens a sub-menu, with the ability to open the game options added to a new button inside
- Skirmish: Kherson default loadout changed due to cost adjustment of Railgun: Primary Railgun (M) replaced with Railgun (S); Rear Turret Blaster/2 X1's replaced with Autogun/2 X2's
- Equipment not meant for the player's eyes no longer shows up on the Equipment Fitting screen with exceptionally high values. Instead, they are no longer visible at all.
- Adjusted font size for scaleability based on length of descriptors for inventory items
- Adjusted turret long and short naming schemes
- Reinforced Amour Plating module text description now correctly refers to 'armor' instead of 'shield'
- The Briefing/Debriefing Scrollbar was not working as expected
- AI Actor will no longer fire off a guided missile without a valid target locked
- The directives panel will remain open if its list is cleared or the last objective is removed from the list
- Improved Missile Pool calculation to avoid excessive pool counts being used
- Emergency thrusters now engage to ensure ship control is maintained when engines are severely damaged
- Railgun causes damage to armor and hull (but does not penetrate outer damageable layer)
- Railgun subsystem damage scales based on the armor section it penetrated
- Damage Control subsystem repair priorities were not being honored
- Missile Null ref on collision with distinct debris
- Missile Null Ref on collision with an asteroid
- Removed code meant to prevent audio cascading but made it worse
- Actor AI collision avoidance now works as correctly
- Added missing audio priorities for Hydra Cannon and X1 Mini Gun sfx
- When an AI actor wingman is first enabled it will engage nearby enemies, instead of waiting for wing leader orders
- Default ship configuration is not applied properly in the level editor
- Turrets and modules attached to a destroyed substructure are no longer referenced by the parent structure
- Item rewards are unintentionally given via a legacy game mechanic. Rewards are still correctly granted for completing specific main story missions
- 'Convoy Escort' side mission had suffix numbering on the convoy random generator names
- 'Convoy Escort' side mission enemy wing was not given a display name
- MLRS Missile MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'Transform' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it
- Text will be cut off in subsequent mission briefings and/or debriefings if previously the text was scrollable and the player scrolled down
- HUD gun pips will no longer display when viewing the rear of the ship
- HUD reticule now adjusts to the forward view of the ship (instead of being centered on the camera)
- Prestige and Experience for kills incorrectly calculated or not calculated at the end of each completed campaign mission
Changed files in this update