Hello, Pilots!
This is the Steam® version "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2" team.
Server maintenance will be performed on the following schedule.
◇Date & Time
[PST] 02/28/2024 21:00 – 02/29/2024 00:00 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 06:00 – 02/29/2024 09:00 [Scheduled]
◇Maintenance Details
・Server and data maintenance support
・Supply Drop Lineup Update
※Please note that you will not be able to log in to the game during the maintenance.
※The end time may vary depending on the maintenance status. Please understand this in advance.
※Entering the maintenance during matching may cause unexpected errors.
Please log out of the game before maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
[PST] 02/29/2024 / [CET] 02/29/2024 Updated content is listed below.
■Notice of "Risshun Celebration Festival post-event"
Starting from [PST] 02/29/2024 / [CET] 02/29/2024, "Risshun Celebration Festival post-event" will begin.
[PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/13/2024 20:59 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/14/2024 05:59 [Scheduled]
During the period, the following events will be available to all pilots.
1. Free 10-consecutive Special Supply Drop continuously in 2 week
During the period,
Free 10-consecutive Supply Drops included 2 guaranteed ★★★ or above MS in both 1st and 2nd week,
total 2 Free 10-consecutive Supply Drops will presents to ALL pilots!
1st week: 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/06/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
2nd week: 03/07/2024 00:00 – 03/13/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
1st week: 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/07/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
2nd week: 03/07/2024 09:00 – 03/14/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
Pilot can request 1 free 10-consecutive Supply Drop in both 1st and 2nd week.
This special Supply Drop only contains MS and 2 ★★★ or above MS guaranteed!
※This Special Supply Drop will contain all materials on the lineup updated after [JST]07/30/2020 on other platform.
(Supplies to be drawn in the special Supply Drops include all materials that have been previously excluded
and Freedom Gundam LV1.)
※Regarding the lineup of Special Supply Drops and Drop Rates, please check [Item List].
2. [Risshun Celebration Festival post-event] STEP UP Supply Drop
Starting from [PST] 02/29/2024 / [CET] 02/29/2024, STEP UP Supply Drop will begin.
[PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/13/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/14/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
A Supply Drop, in which 10 consecutive Supply Drops can be requested up to STEP4.
The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request, as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4.
After STEP4 is requested, this STEP UP Supply Drop will be over.
ALL materials in this STEP UP are new added to lineup since 2023 on other platform.
In addition, Steam® version will include Freedom Gundam LV1 on the Drop list.
◎STEP1 (30 Tokens)
1 ★★ MS guaranteed! + 100 [★] or [★★] or [★★★] Mechanic Tickets as bonus!
◎STEP2 (30 Tokens)
1 ★★★ MS guaranteed! + 200 [★] or [★★] or [★★★] Mechanic Tickets as bonus!
◎STEP3 (30 Tokens)
1 ★★ & 1 ★★★ MS guaranteed! + 300 [★] or [★★] or [★★★] Mechanic Tickets as bonus!
◎STEP4 (30 Tokens)
2 ★★ & 2 ★★★ MS guaranteed! + 1 random custom parts from
"High-Output Added Booster LV1" or "New Model Frame LV4" or "Spaced Frame LV4"!
High-Output Added Booster LV1
High speed movement increased by 5.
Thruster increased by 10.
New Model Frame LV4
MS HP increased by 2000.
Spaced Frame LV4
MS HP increased by 1000.
Thruster increased by 8.
※ALL guaranteed MS from this STEP UP Supply Drop will be LV1 MS new added to lineup in 2023
on other platform.
※This Supply Drop includes materials added to lineup in 2023 on other platform.
In addition, Steam® version will also include Freedom Gundam LV1 on the Drop list.
※This STEP UP lineup will be updated on [PST] 03/07/2024 00:00 / [CET] 03/07/2024 09:00.
Please note that STEPs will NOT be recounted after update.
3. Reinforcing Container Recon Team
During the event, pilots will find silver or higher container for 100% after battle.
※Maximum 2 containers can be discovered daily.
※Extra container will be rewarded to the pilots who has been awarded with Premium War Merit badge.
※Date will be updated daily at 5:00 AM [JST].
※Pilots with penalty status [PENALTY LV1] or above will not able to receive any containers.
4. Powered-up Hangars campaign
During the event, chance of "Great success" in Hangers will be multiplied by 3!
And, ALL obtained MS will gain 3x enhancement value when you get them again from Supply Drops, etc..
5. Increased daily bonus
During the event, basic daily bonus will be increased from 3 ⇒ 6 everyday! Time for battles!
6.【Risshun Celebration Festival】Gifting period extend! Nu Gundam & Sazabi!
The Risshun Celebration Festival event "Nu Gundam and Sazabi for presents" goes too popular this year,
we would like to extend the period until [PST] 03/13/2024 20:59 / [CET] 03/14/2024 05:59.
■Guaranteed Banshee Norn Boosted Supply Drop
Starting from [PST] 02/29/2024 / [CET] 02/29/2024, Guaranteed Banshee Norn LV1 STEP UP Supply Drop will begin.
[PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/06/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/07/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
It is a Supply Drop that allows you to request 10 consecutive lottery distributions up to STEP7.
The STEP will progress by 1 each time you perform a request,
as STEP1 → STEP2 → STEP3 → STEP4 → STEP5 → STEP6 → STEP7.
After STEP7 is requested, Boosted Supply Drop will be over.
・STEP1 (15 Tokens): Token 50% OFF!
・STEP2 (30 Tokens): As a bonus 50 Mechanic Tickets [★★★★] are obtainable!
・STEP3 (30 Tokens): As a bonus 50 Modification Kit [★★★★] are obtainable!
・STEP4 (30 Tokens): 2x Chance of obtaining "★★★★" materials!
・STEP5 (30 Tokens): 3x Chance of obtaining "★★★★" materials!
+ As a bonus 100 Mechanic Tickets [★★★★] are obtainable!
・STEP6 (30 Tokens): 3x Chance of obtaining "★★★★" materials!
+ As a bonus 100 Modification Kit [★★★★] are obtaianble!
・STEP7 (30 Tokens): 1 Guaranteed Obtainable "Banshee Norn LV1" !!
+ As a bonus Custom Part "Composite Frame [Type-B] LV1" is obtainable!
■Custom parts
◎Composite Frame [Type-B] LV1
・Increases the HP recovery rate of the repair tool by 15%.
MS HP goes up 200, and melee strength goes up 2.
If Enhancement List level reaches 3, MS HP increases by 300 more and melee strength increases 3.
When reaching Level 6, MS HP goes up another 500 and melee strength increases by 5.
Note that multiple Composite Frame parts cannot be equipped at once.
※Same supplies will be drawn as the ongoing Supply Drops. For Details, please check [Item List].
■Notice of Supply Drop Lineup “Banshee Norn”
Supply Drop Lineup has been updated.
[PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/06/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/07/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
・★★★★ Banshee Norn LV1 (General unit, ground/space use, Cost 700)
※The above MS is eligible for the Monthly MS Bonus Unit.
■Mobile Suit Features
・General unit with cost of 700.
・An upgraded variant of the Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee,
with revised weaponry and specifications to enhance its basic performance and operability.
・The RX-0 series was originally designed to be boarded by Cyber-Newtype,
but the specifications were changed so that non-Cyber-Newtype could also use this unit.
・The Armed Armor BS, once equipped for ranged combat,
and Armed Armor VN adapted for melee weaponry were scrapped,
to improve the capability of continuous fighting which had been a trouble on the RX-0 unit.
And two newly-added Armed Armors including a multiple function shield, the DE Type.
Also the XC Type,
increasing generator output and expanding psycho-wave send/receive capabilities using Psycho-Frame.
・As a result, the unit is easier to operate for those who may not possess remarkable Newtype abilities,
and transitioning to Destroy Mode is quite easy, improving its overall performance as an anti-Newtype machine.
・Can be deployed both on the Ground and in Space.
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
※Keep that in mind that the release time of the unit is scheduled.
Sub-weapon "Beam Jutte"
・Can only be used as melee weapons under "NT-D" or "Awakening", rapid combo is not possible.
・Hold the attack button down, then release it to briefly enter guard stance.
Thrusters are consumed while in guard stance,
but when taking a melee attack, damage/stagger reactions are nullified.
Then thrusters will fully recover and counterattack will be made.
・This effect will not work if hit by launched melee weapons or tackled.
◎Tutorial video of sub-weapon "Beam Jutte"
・If an enemy attacks with a melee attack, use the "guard stance" to counter it!
Then your enemy will receive a counterattack and down, giving you a chance to hit hard again!
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
・You can still move during using Beam Jutte and holding the attack button (but not while in guard stance),
so it can be used to rush to a friendly unit that is about to receive an attack and protect it from attack!
・Counterattacks can also engage surrounding MS,
so keep an eye on the situation and aim for a chance to turn the tables!
※This video may not be representative of the actual product.
Sub-weapon "[RL] Flash Type APHE"
・After dealing damage via non-suppressive Armor Piercing, a suppressive flash and explosion stagger targets,
generating a powerful blast radius.
Both landing the bullet and explosion can deal to the same target.
・This weapon can nullify part of the enemy's ballistic armor and deal damage, even when hitting a shield.
Skill "Awaken Ability Boost" LV2
・Activate by pressing "special weapon" once the NT-D Ability Boost has been active for a set period of time.
・Fully recovers HP for all MS parts(head, back, legs) and reload all ranged weapons and heat gauges when act.
・HP of the unit and its each parts is recovered based on the damage done to enemy MS by melee weapons.
・Increases damage dealt to enemy in favorable unit type.
・Nullifies the effect of disabling psycho weapons activated by others for a certain period of time.
Skill "A Armor DE Special Def System"
・Reduces damage taken when Armed Armor DE is attacked.
When in "NT-D" or "Awaken" mode, damage and reactions are further reduced if hit by a ranged beam attack.
■Exclusive pilot item as a Bonus for the 10 Consecutive Supply Drops!
Beginning from [PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 / [CET] 02/29/2024 09:00,
1 random exclusive pilot item as a bonus can be obtained from 10 consecutive drops.
[PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/06/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/07/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Supply Drop with Bonus Items
Normal 10-consecutive Supply Drops
■Bonus Item Contents (get 1 of the 2 items randomly listed below)
Normal suit: Vist Foundation 02
Helmet: Vist Foundation 02
※Requesting 10-Consecutive Supply Drops during the campaign will grant you an additional 11th supply drop,
and get 1 extra item.
※Does NOT apply to the 1-Attempt Supply Drop.
The bonus item will not be awarded even if you request the 1-Attempt Supply Drop ten times in a row.
■Removed Materials from the Supply Drop
Some materials are removed from the supply drop lineup.
※For more information regarding the updated supply drop lineup, please refer to the [Supply Drop List].
■Notice of [Big Boost to Supply Drop Rates Campaign]
Some of the newly added materials will have a boost to their supply drop rates for a limited time.
[PST] 02/29/2024 00:00 – 03/06/2024 20:30 [Scheduled]
[CET] 02/29/2024 09:00 – 03/07/2024 05:30 [Scheduled]
■Featured material that will benefit from the Big Boost to its Supply Rate
・★★★★ Banshee Norn LV1 (General unit, ground/space use, Cost 700)
■Supply Drops that will benefit from Big Boost to Supply Rates
・Normal Supply Drop
※After the end of the campaign, all supply drop rates will be the same as other materials.
■List of Premium Login Bonuses for March 2024
◎[PST] 02/29/2024 12:00 – 03/10/2024 11:59
[CET] 02/29/2024 21:00 – 03/10/2024 20:59
・List of items you can get
MS:★★★ Gustav Karl LV1
Other: Modification kit [★] – [★★★], Hangar usage right <At the beginning of the month>, Token
◎[PST] 03/10/2024 12:00 – 03/20/2024 11:59
[CET] 03/10/2024 21:00 – 03/20/2024 20:59
・List of items you can get
MS:★★ Jesta [Shezarr Type Team A] LV1
Other: Modification Kit [★] – [★★★], Hangar usage right <The middle of the month>, Token
◎[PST] 03/20/2024 12:00 – 03/31/2024 11:59
[CET] 03/20/2024 21:00 – 03/31/2024 20:59
・List of items you can get
MS:★★ Advanced Hazel LV1
Other: Modification Kit [★] – [★★★], Hangar usage right <At the end of the month>, Token
※When you acquire the Hangar usage right, the dedicated hangar of the reinforcement facility will be opened.
※The hangar has early, mid, and late slots, and the seasonal slots you gain access to will be opened.
※All hangars opened by the usage right will become unavailable at the end of the month
in which the usage rights are acquired ([PST] 11:59 / [CET] 20:59 on the day).
(If the end of the month arrives in the middle of storing the MS,
it will be unavailable after the MS enhancement is completed.)
■New Materials for exchange are added to Recycle Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★★★ Gelgoog Vertex Kyanos LV1 added
・★★ Jesta Cannon LV1 added
※The materials mentioned above will be available at Recycle Counter for 2 days from [JST]02/29/2024 – 03/01/2024.
■New Materials for exchange are added to DP exchange Counter.
⇒ Information about newly added materials
・★★ GM III Powered FA LV1-2 added
・★★ Xeku Eins Type 1 Loadout LV1 added
■We have updated the game modes that allow you to sortie in Rating Match/Quick Match.
※According to the update above, the actual game modes may differ from
the "game modes available at the next update" that was displayed before the update.
■This week's weekend-only game schedule
◎Weekend-only battle schedule
[PST] 02/29/2024 11:00 – 03/03/2024 10:59
[CET] 02/29/2024 20:00 – 03/03/2024 19:59
◎Special Rules
・"Mix-up", "Simple Battle", "Shuffle Target", "Brawl Match" and "Duel Match" will be held in every 2 hours.
・Situation Battle "Cross the river and break through the tree line" will be held.
■Next Clan Match Schedule
Please refer, here for the next Clan Match schedule and reward collection period.
For an overview of the Clan Match, please refer here.
■Update for Clan Match reward MS!
New reward MS for Clan Match is available from March 2024.
■New MS
・★★ Zssa [Sleeve Type] (General unit, ground/space use, Cost 500)
■Mobile Suit Features
・General Unit with Cost of 500.
・A variant of the Zssa developed during the First Neo Zeon War,
and operated post-war by Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves.
・While the original Zssa was attached a large missile-packed booster,
enables operation as a bomber unit with remarkable mobility.
As the Sleeves were unable to use this unit fully equipped, operation was different than usual,
with shoulder missiles only equipped to the right shoulder, and a sawed-off shotgun for melee combat.
※Since the lineup has been updated, "Condition of claiming Clan Match reward MS" has been reset as well.
The latest information will be posted on STEAM News and our Twitter in the future.
We look forward to your continued support of "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2".
Changed files in this update