Added GeoIP Support. "JsonValues@ FileSystem::ReadMMDB( const string &in address )"
Added SQL Debugging (sql_debug cvar)
Updated Survivor AI, they now switch to melee once they run out of ammo (Flatline only)
Updated MP5K, Sig Saur and AR15 silencer/suppressor audio.
Fixed the Survivor AI shooting sound breaking with automatic rifles
Fixed where the game could crash if there is no viewcontrol camera for trigger_escape
Fixed an exploit on cp_montclair and fixed a bad spawn location for zombie AI where they got stuck
Fixed an exploit on cp_broadway
Fixed 2 doors being set as "UnBreakable" instead of "Breakable", which could make zombie players stuck
Fixed admin_allow_cheats not working correctly
Fixed some escape maps having next to no zombies, if the previous map had set MaxZombiesAllowed, since it did not reset back to it's original value.
Changed files in this update