Hello, everyone!
We have now released version 1.291.
New Features:
- Added "New From Bookmark" to the right-click menu on the map. "Display bookmark tab when selecting unit" is checked in the game options, and Displayed when there is one or more bookmark units.
- The script's WavePanel object internals have been changed to use an ImageScroller object. The ImageScroller object is good at scrolling images.
- Added scriptexecute-appearbookmarkunit.js to the official plugin. It shows how to use root.getObjectGenerator().generateUnitFromBookmarkUnit. Also shows how to delete a guest unit from a bookmark origin.
- system-disablestock.js has been added to the official plugin. It disables sending specific items to stock. This plugin is useful when you do not want to pass unit-specific items to other units through stock.
- system-charchipanimation.js has been added to the official plugin. The default character chip animation order is 0->1->2->1, but this plugin changes it to 0->1->2->0. This is useful if you want to replace all character chips with original chips and use 4 columns of chips like 0->1->2-3.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where guest unit unit command events were not localized correctly.
- Fixed a bug where variable names were not localized correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the script's _setPositionSettings was returning the obj variable.
Changed files in this update