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Hazeron Starship update for 21 February 2024

2024-02-21 Gulliver, Design Checklist, Designer Changes, Bug Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 13521028 · Last edited 21 February 2024 – 15:59:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I wanted a relatively low tech spacecraft design to adventure with, one that was more interesting than the Basic Design or the Particle Harvester.

Gulliver design was added to fill this role.

Design Checklist
As I started designing Gulliver I couldn't remember exactly how to make a turbo lift or a turret. Some little memory jogger would be handy.

Design checklist added. It contains useful tips and it provides a general overview of how to create a design. This was added to the Blueprint menu.

Designer Breaks Vertex Normals

Various operations caused the vertex normals on faces to get broken. I constantly found myself flattening vertex normals after doing something like a symmetrical copy. That is a nuisance if you worked hard to smooth just the right ones. 


Designer Microscope
It is impossible to work on tiny things in the designer because of the near clip plane. You can't get close enough to see tiny things.

Microscope mode added to designer to allow for a super close near clip plane. You can effectively use the millimeter grid now, instead of it just looking like a white shaded square in the distance.

You may wonder why this view transformation cannot be used in the game. It is because distant objects would collide with each other far worse than they do now. The game scenes already push the limits of the view matrix. That is why you see polygon collisions at certain scene distance transitions when approaching a planet or ringworld.

Designer Snap/Select Close Bug
Designer won't snap or select things that are close to the eye. I can see them but they won't snap or select. I have to back away. Grrr. 


Designer Group Names
It would be helpful if the group naming window would explain how group names are used by the various parts.

Done. Checklist gives good info about this. 

Designer Berth Orientation
When placing a berth, it would be nice to have an indicator of which end is the head end.


Designer Turbo Lift Lighting
Turbo lift initial lighting state and sunlight exposure cannot be set in the designer.


Designer Vehicle Parking Spots
The generic vehicle parking spots have a role on a carrier but what if I just want to have a motor bike aboard?

Designer now allows placement of specific vehicle parking spots. When placing these, you see a 3D model of the vehicle and that model appears on its spot in the design, for reference. 

These vehicle spots are filled from accessible factories when a spacecraft is manufactured. After that they are filled just like any other parking spot, whenever you are in trade range of a city that has the vehicles needed. 

Drop pod parking spot and space rocket parking spot were removed as they became redundant. They can no longer be placed in a design but they will continue to exist and function in existing designs that have them.

I started working on a drop pod vehicle model. That is what led me to make this change. When it is completed I will just add it as a vehicle.

Designer Equipment in Designs
While working on a drop pod design, I thought it would be nice to place items in the design like a medical kit and a rifle.

Designer now enables commodity items to be placed in a design.

When a design is manufactured/constructed commodity items in the design are populated from the city inventory that is accessible to the factory.

After manufacture, those equipment items can be grabbed by any player. In design preview, equipment items cannot be taken.

Spacecraft restock their equipment items from the hold, about one item per minute.

Buildings restock their equipment items from their hold, about one item every six minutes. Buildings also maintain their supply of this equipment by importing one of each item from other buildings it can access.

Firearms are not loaded with ammo. Place ammo nearby if you want it to be available.

Initial on/off state of items can be specified so you can place things like burning candles and torches in your design.

Equipment items are listed on the design analysis report in an EQUIPMENT section.

Designer Show Ground Error
The plane shown to depict the ground level under a design does not change when landing gear is deployed.

Fixed. Ground plane now adjusts to landing gear. It also moves to the appropriate side of the model depending on the landing orientation specified in the properties.

Designer Input Focus
When I select parts I should be able to enter a vector and press Enter to move them or Ctrl+Enter to copy them. Instead I have to click in the input box which can be clunky, especially when that gigantic tool tip appears and covers half my screen.

Fixed redirect of characters entered in the design view so this works as expected.

Added a Clear Input button next to the input box to clear its contents and give it the input focus.

Moved the ginormous but valuable tool tip from the input box to the Clear Input button. The input box now has no tool tip at all.

Designer Preview Turbo Lift Bug
If a turbo lift is in the wrong state it will not work properly when the design is previewed.


Designer Preview Crash
Designer preview crashes a lot when I fly the ship down into an atmosphere.


Designer Associate Doors With Launcher
The space vehicle launcher opens doors that are associated with it when it launches a vehicle. It then closes those doors after launching. This association is made automatically. 

Doors that are intended to open and close with the operation of a space vehicle launcher should now be associated with the launcher for positive identification. 

The code that makes the association automatically still works when no association has been made. It looks for doors that are intersected by the launcher path when the door is in its closed state.

Designer Associate Doors With Turbo Lift
The turbo lift responds to calls by turbo lift doors associated with the turbo lift. This association is made automatically. 

Turbo lift doors should now be associated with their turbo lift for positive identification. A warning will alert you to this condition when finalizing.

A turbo lift door created by a turbo lift jig will automatically be associated with the turbo lift.

The code that makes the association automatically still works when no association has been made.

Designer Decor Door
A door can be used for any detail that has multiple states, like a cabinet that opens, a drawer that pulls out, a trunk lid, etc. This works ok but I don’t like getting a warning about not associating the door with a room void. 

Decor type door was added. This works like a regular door except that it makes no noise and it does not cause warnings. Use door properties to change a door to a decor door.

Rearranged door properties window. Hid the wall of text in tool tips.

Designer Finalize Cancel
When I cancel the finalize process, usually because I forgot to select the picture to go with it, the buttons are left grey. The finalize dialog has to be closed and reopened to start again.


World Map
It would be nice if the world map showed my current location.

Done aboard spacecraft. Buildings do not do this.

Cargo Door Ramp Air
Gulliver has a large door that deploys a ramp when it opens. While recognized as a hull door, opening the door did not allow air pressure in the room to equalize with the external environment.

Fixed confusion caused by the association of a named room void and an unnamed room void with the open state of the door. The unnamed room void creates the accessible space on the ramp itself.

Ramp Obstruction Bug
While working on the ramp I encountered a weird hull obstruction bug that prevented me from ever getting on the ramp in the preview.


Helicopter Taxi
I put a helicopter in the vehicle bay on Gulliver. I couldn't taxi it out of the bay. When I tried flying it out I got stuck in the ceiling.

Helicopter now has taxi forward (F), taxi backward (V), and taxi brake (Space) controls so it can taxi. 

I saved the stuck in ceiling bug for another day.

I had a situation where the helicopter was too feeble to taxi up the ramp of Gulliver without getting a run at it. The ship was on the raised landing pad at an airport, which could have been a factor. I will work on this.

Planetary Approach Too Slow
When approaching a planet, the pilot reduces speed far too early and approaches the planet slowly from a long distance away. Zzzzzz. 


Harvester Quantity
The quantity that is harvested by harvester bays is far too low.

Fixed an incorrect calculation that increased harvester quantity significantly. Fixed a bug that resulted in harvesting nothing. Now you will get at least 1 unit if any amount of harvester energy hits the target.

No Unobstructed Parking Spot
Spacecraft factory manufactured a Gulliver class ship in a little over 5 minutes. Then it complained there was no unobstructed parking spot. It is a big ship for spawning on the ground but there were no units in the area.

Improved the function that looks for obstructions to be much more precise.

Beer Process
Beer process makes a LOT of beer, many times more units than the commodities consumed by the process.


Persistent Paralysis
A creature stuck me with paralysis. It seemed to never go away.

Fixed decay time on all conditions.

Colony Factory Needed
A basic factory that can be used in a harsh environment is needed.


ParcX Delivery Guy Died
ParcX delivery guy suffocated and died aboard Del Rey Station when I opened the door to get inside.

ParcX guy now dons an EV suit if the air pressure drops. Previously he wore one if the air was already low. If it started out ok he did not wear a suit, then he died if it dropped after that.

Flying Sailboats
When sailboats spawn at a vehicle factory they go shooting up in the air, eventually settling on the water where they belong. I think they do this when fetched by wharves too.


Rocket Parking
Rockets are parked in rocket parking spots and also space vehicle parking spots. They don't really work that well when parked sideways in a space vehicle parking spot; they can be hard to get out of a hangar. Is this “feature” needed?

Space rockets are no longer parked in space vehicle parking spots.

Solar System Map Names
Right-click menu on worlds in the solar system picture lists worlds with their catalog name, not the name of the solar system.


Comm Channel Column Width
Comm channels have a column that only shows an icon. For some reason, that column started taking extra room.

Fixed. I just noticed this on the mission orders window also. It's on my fix list now but I'm not going to rebuild everything just for that.

Passengers in Restricted Areas
In my design I can restrict passengers from certain rooms. However I constantly find passengers in those rooms.

Fixed maybe. As I write this I caught a passenger in my cabin. :/

I entered the examining table at a hospital because I was injured. Nobody showed up or did anything.

Fixed hospitals. A doctor will show up shortly after you enter the examining table, if one is not already there.

Spacecraft Designs Updated
Several of the stock spacecraft designs were updated with minor improvements due to the designer changes. They are included in this update. It may take a day or so to update them in the workshop.

All designs were finalized. Every warning was eliminated. In some cased, the analysis was updated to be more precise about what things deserve a warning. This meant adding warnings for things that did not previously cause a warning.

Ships using the older designs will not be affected. None of the warnings was severe. Resolving them mostly fixed consoles being unlit in some of the oldest designs.

Harles Trick Blueprint
Harles gave me a blueprint of a space station. Later it was gone from my gear.

Fixed story item that vanished when the story ended. Set it to permanent so it would remain in the game.

Delete Game Confirmation
Delete saved game at startup should have a confirmation dialog.


Rocket Can't Get Service at Station
Rocket holding next to station can't get service. Says "Stop moving" but I am stopped.


Design Report
Move shields, sensors and life support to the top of the AVIONICS/ELECTRONICS section of the design report. I don't care as much about the list of consoles and panels.


Redundant Comm Message
Atmosphere Condenser Bay Module harvested 55 Hydrogen Fair Q174, 55 units. <- Redundant count of units.


Ringworld Sector
Sector containing dig site was diagonal to my starting sector. I thought this was changed.

Fixed. Starting location was good. Story found the wrong sector with a ringworld when more than one neighboring sector contained a ringworld.

Black Hole Sun Wormhole
Pilot in black hole system could not hit wormhole at sun orbiting black hole. The nav point was too far off to the side.


Harvest Attitude
When parked in orbit for harvesting, rotate ship so it's not facing the target.


Hold Windows
Windows and tool tips that refer to accessing the hold incorrectly state that your sea chest is different in conflict vs neutral zones. What zones?


Too Many Surgery Modules
A surgery station adds two surgery medical modules to the manufacturing process.


Solar System Survey Report Broken
When requesting a survey report from the star map of a system I surveyed, the solar system map came up blank.


Stargate Blocked
Pilot cannot enter stargate at companion star. Says "Stargate blocked by the sun." when it's not.


Helicopters Aboard Atlantis
Atlantis' vehicle bay looked funny full of helicopters.

Spacecraft no longer fetch helicopters to space vehicle parking spots. They will only fetch helicopters to specific helicopter parking spots.

Location Desync
I saved the best for last. This bug has been a plague for years. It happened to me most often when getting into a new vehicle. About one in twenty tries or so I would suddenly find myself at the bottom of the sea instead of on the vehicle.

Fixed. It turned out the vehicle did not have to be new; you just had to be moving when you got into it. This could also affect moving vehicles and spacecraft if you were controlling them when they changed atom domains.

Web Site SSL Certificate
I finally got the SSL certificate for the web site. I will proceed with setting it up after this update is posted.

Linux 64-bit Depot 2239525
  • Loading history…
Windows 64-bit Depot 2239526
  • Loading history…
Unused Depot 2239527
  • Loading history…
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