I. Professions and Attributes:
Fixed a bug where Gu Qingming's Xuan Yi Lian Ci couldn't hit nearby targets.
Addressed an issue where poisoning with Gu Qingming's Xuan Guang Fen sometimes failed.
Gu Qingming's talent for Sword Wind Step now reduces cooldown time, increases skill level, and adds more uses.
Fixed a passive skill bug with Gu Qingming's automatic Lucky Point addition, resolving its ineffectiveness after level 2.
Slightly increased the damage of Gu Qingming's Xuan Guang Zhan.
Reduced the HP deduction of Xue Ming from 12.5% to 10%.
II. Power, Attributes, and Inventory:
Rectified icons and descriptions of all late-game power buffs.
Separated cooldown acceleration during battles from pre-battle cooldown reduction, fixing bugs related to cooldown reduction caused by skills like Gu Qingming's Concealed Shadow, Ghostly Echoes, Yuwen's Rapid Command, as well as Thunder Dragon's Roar, Hesperidium, and Fairy Bite Pact.
Fixed anomalies in UITips, skill buttons, and actual character cooldown reduction.
III. Scenes and Quests:
Adjusted monster positions and loot bag placements in Tian Shan Path.
Refine layouts in the Sword Casting Cave level.
Adjusted the positions of fire basin switches in Sandworm Cave, consolidating three switches into one.
After killing Chi Yang in the Crimson Flame Cave, a portal to Mount Tianhuo will now open.
Modified the rewards for the Blacksmith Tools quest, adding artifact rewards.
Characters will now prioritize displaying death animations during cutscenes.
IV. Art Related:
Adjusted lighting, fog effects, and post-effects contrast parameters in Tian Shan, Kunlun Mountain, East City Desert, Ghost Wilderness, Sandworm Cave, etc.
Refined some scenes (such as Tian Shan and Kunlun Mountain series maps), replacing some low-poly models.
When revealing the fog on the minimap, the range now matches the scene's field of view.
Added a minimap, including adjustments to the display size of its markers.
V. Optimization:
Modified the logic for selling items in the inventory, fixing issues where common and rare equipment couldn't be sold correctly.
Optimized some action codes to prevent potential errors when NPCs and chests perform actions.
Made some optimizations to the camera to improve efficiency.
Slightly improved UI efficiency.
Changed the image properties of the in-game mouse cursor icons.
Changed files in this update