Heyo froggos! It is Wednesday!
This week we have a tadpole of an update (it's smoll) with a few bug fixes and changes.
Bug fixes:
- XP and froins stopped spawning when there was already a lot of them on the ground. Now they are recycled (furthest and oldest first) to make sure that new one always appear.
- The diagonal stripes that indicated if a bug was affected by freeze, poison or curse has been removed since they were hurting the performance of the game (the particles that indicate the effect is still there)
- Improved performance when an explosion effect takes place
- A bug that caused the game to have a border around it on some monitors has been fixed
- When changing the game to full screen the resolution will now change to the biggest available option instead of staying at the previously picked resolution
- The maximum amount of bugs on screen has been lowered to improve performance
- Instead of "FC" we now refer to the currency in the game with "froins" or the froin symbol
- The text on buttons have been looked over and have changed position slightly to be more in the center of the buttons
That's all for this weeks update but we also want to let you know that we are working on three new power-ups as well, they are hopefully going to be ready in time for next weeks update.
As always, feel free to reach out to us to let us know what you think about the update (or the game in general), if you find any bugs of the non-insect type or if you have questions or suggestions. You can reach us through the Steam forums or on our Discord server!
It is a good idea to back up your save file before starting the game after an update. If you want instructions for where to find the save file you can read the details below.
On Windows you can find the save file here: %AppData%/../LocalLow/Les Grenouilles/Froguelike
And on Mac here: ~/Library/Application Support/Les Grenouilles/Froguelike
The file you want to save a copy of is called "FroguelikeSaveFile.bin"
Best of luck with eating all the bugs!
Johanna and Rémi
Changed files in this update