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MyDockFinder update for 21 February 2024 Release and beta release

Share · View all patches · Build 13518962 · Last edited 21 February 2024 – 13:09:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This official version and the beta version are updated at the same time, and the version number is the same

  • Fixed the problem that the previous version of Myfinder tray displayed duplicate icons (this problem will only appear when installing the latest version of StartAllback, you need to close the replacement system taskbar in the StartAllback settings)
  • Fixed the issue that the Dock Trash icon was occasionally displayed incorrectly in the previous version
  • Redesigned Dock weather forecast interface
  • Dock minimizes window animations and adds window shadows
  • Show and close window animations and add window shadows (win11 system only)
  • After adapting Maple's toolbox to modify the full transparency and blurring of the explorer window, minimize the window animation and window display animation and use the gradient animation instead
  • Fixed the issue that window closing animations added exclusions were invalid
  • Launchpad shows hidden animations to WinUI instead
  • Fixed the issue that the background of the current screen was displayed in the multi-screen state of the launchpad
  • Mydockfinder achievements for old users are now automatically activated 543 days after purchase (you need to activate the achievement from Steam), and the detection time is based on Steam server time
  • Adapts to Intel 13th generation CPU temperatures
  • MyFinder has added a smart hidden mode, which can be selected in Preferences - MyFinder General
  • Fixed the previous version of the Dock lighting effect position shift issue
  • Keyboard control is added to the launchpad, use the arrow keys or tab keys to select the icon, and the enter key to open the icon
  • myfinder added the function of temporary display of the tray icon of the new runner, you can adjust the length of time in the preference tray, if you have checked Always show all tray icons in myfinder, this function will not work
  • Preferences - Added the display and hiding scenes of battery percentage and remaining battery time in the battery, which can be displayed and hidden for different scenes with different needs
  • Myfinder time button adds calendar function, Chinese will display lunar calendar and solar terms (including traditional Chinese)
  • Mydock calendar icon adds calendar preview function, Chinese will display lunar calendar and solar terms (including traditional Chinese)
  • Adjust the Dock to minimize animation rendering delay, and use the dynamic adjustment algorithm to dynamically adjust the number of rendered frames to prevent animation slow motion problems from being minimized in some cases
  • Fix myfinder Bluetooth battery power not updating issue
  • Corrected the Polish translation, thanks to the netizens for @Nes0x
  • Fix the overall stability of the program
This update has not yet added translations to the new features, which will be updated tomorrow
Additional instructions
  • Once the Trash is deleted, it can be re-added in the Add System icon
  • The window display animation is not perfect at present, if there are more problems, you can close or add exclusions to individual programs, it is currently known that the window animation will occasionally disappear after the window animation is not displayed, and you need to reactivate the window to display, and the UWP program animation will be displayed twice
  • After MyFinder hides the window with its own menu bar, if the program that hides the menu is displayed abnormally or unstable, please unhide the window menu bar
Windows MyDockFinder Content Depot 1787091
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