Hello everyone!
Dealer Simulator 0.0.6 Big Update
Auction System
More than 30 items exclusively for auction. It includes historical artifacts, armor, paintings and decorative items. The number of these items will increase in next updates.
- You need to have a shop for the auction system.
- The auction is repeated every 4 days.
- Items sold at auction are quite expensive.
- In order to find out the prices of the items in the auction, you need the worker in the shop doing research.
Driveable RC System
New Items
Environmental Improvements and New Roads
[Fixes and Content]
- Fixed the issue where baseball bats could not be sold.
- Sometimes there was a problem of not being able to sleep, it has been fixed.
- If you are inside the store, environmental sounds are reduced.
- Auction system added.
- New items have been added. (PC, RC, Airsoft Toys and more.)
- Environmental Improvements and New Roads.
- Music volume slider has been added to the settings section of the Main Menu.
- Sometimes items that fell on the floor in the shop could not be picked up. This has been fixed.
- Added items to vendors in the market area.
Changed files in this update