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Z.O.N.A Project X update for 20 February 2024

Hello, stalkers! We have a technically very important update 1.00.60a

Share · View all patches · Build 13512904 · Last edited 20 February 2024 – 23:09:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, stalkers! We have a technically very important update 1.00.60a.

Changes and Improvements:

🔸 The backpack has been refined. Unfortunately, I missed a couple of bugs with it, specifically: the inability to take out an ammo box from the backpack, which occurs when trying to retrieve it with the right hand if you placed it with the left, causing an error; and the inability to take out a pistol from the backpack, occurring when trying to retrieve it with the opposite hand, also causing an error. Thanks to user T0X1N for timely identifying these issues. Also fixed was a bug when not all old slots were loaded with items or had artifacts hanging: upon the first load, weapons and artifacts were lying on the ground, causing a critical error in saves and loss of weapons when transitioning from level to level. Thanks to user owlpilot for identifying the issue.
🔸 Backpack grab improved. There were complaints that the right side was hard to grab. This has been fixed.
🔸 An additional slot has been added to the left side of the backpack under the gas mask, which was added in the previous update but not listed in the new features.

Remember, stalkers: The Zone is constantly changing, and each of your ventures into it is a new challenge. Be vigilant and careful. Good luck! There’s much more interesting to come!

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