In all honesty, I severely underestimated how difficult adding full controller support was going to be. This patch took a long time, and has added much more controller support, including an on-screen-keyboard for character and world name input. There are still a few things missing from being able to really say the game has "full" controller support, meaning for example, it could be played from start to finish on a Steamdeck, but it's much closer to that goal now.
Having said that, I'm going to put down controller support for the next ten days or so to focus on some bug fixing and get some new features in. I started a poll yesterday on Discord asking for input on what players would like to see added in given a few choices. It's pinned in #general so go check that out if you like. The goal here being to add some small but impacting changes in the near future.
There are also a couple of discussion about the current controller support that I have not fully read through and responded to yet, though I hope to make sure I go back and review those before I sit down to finish the last 10%, as I'm really not a controller player myself.
Happy gaming!
The condensed patch notes are as follows:
v 2024.02.20
- Added controller support (90% working, some changes pending)
- Added an on-screen keyboard for controller support
- Added enchanting to multi-lingual system
- Changed the start menu version text to explain if an error has occured during startup
- Fixed basic attack and recall not being added to hotbar for new characters
- Fixed first time loading messages and other start menu messages breaking controller navigation
- Fixed single player and creative single player button translations
- Fixed cloth boots translating to cloth helmet
- Fixed inventory hotbar links throwing errors when empty
- Fixed start menu link popups not translating properly
- Fixed start menu current game mode not translating properly
- Fixed the in-game compass 'W' not translating properly
- Fixed the unspent points UI not translating properly
- Fixed the radial menu not translating properly
- Fixed facility names not translating properly when cursor'd over
- Fixed the quit menu not highlighting properly when using a controller
- Fixed Q and E to rotate and R to autorun triggering even when certain windows are open/input fields are focused
- Fixed dragging inventory slots to the hotbar not working
- Fixed certain monster abilities throwing an error
- Fixed recipes unlocked in multiplayer not showing up in the crafting UI immediately
- Fixed the initial loading screen not loading any text where it should say loading in at least English
- Fixed a number of harmless localization errors firing in the recipe details UI
- Fixed starting the game for the first time throwing a harmless localization error
- Fixed a harmless error that could fire from PlayerSkills when starting up
- Fixed an error caused by animal corpses sometimes being improperly added to misc save data
You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.
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Changed files in this update