Blender 3.6.9 LTS features important bug fixes. It is released on the v3.6 - Stable - LTS branch.
You can switch to this by right-clicking on the Blender entry in your library, select Properties.... Open the Betas tab and select v3.6 - Stable - LTS.
Patch Notes
- Geometry Nodes: quick plug ignores Accumulate field Group ID socket. (#117647)
- Regression: Array Caps broken on empty mesh in 3.5. (#107353)
- VDM Brush Baker built-in Addon : warning at startup. (#117150)
- [Sun position] Fix missing parameter (patch available). (#117397)
- Assign Shortcut Missing when Right Clicking Undo History. (#97431)
- Crash dispalying subdivision surface mesh with loose edges in edit-mode. (#117015)
- Regression: Guiding in manta is broken. (#106425)
- External Particle Cache Playback Is Broken (2.8). (#68436)
- Blender Crash When Changing Color Palette in Edit Mode. (#117526)
- Unable to enter node group by clicking on the icon after exiting it using the shortcut ctrl+tab. (#117530)
- UDIMs not packing to blend file and causing color artifacts. (#117411)
- When rendering an image sequence with stereoscopy and overwrite disabled, images still get overwritten. (#117674)
- When rendering an image sequence with stereoscopy and overwrite disabled, images still get overwritten. (#117674)
- Fix: Cycles MIS disabled unnecessarily with transparency, causing fireflies. (02b9ea70729)
- bpy.ops.paint.image_paint with a texture requires initialization with manual paint stroke otherwise color not quite right. (#54554)
- Changing the order of vertex groups changes the specified vertex group in the modifier. (#113803)
- Fix buffer overflow passing a vertical segment to convexhull_2d. (bc4b4e8ec32)
- Regression: Crash on deleting shape key from Blender File view. (#108407)
- object.override_library.resync(...) -- crashes when view_layer is not specified. (#118055)
- Cycles plane Emission gradient "clipping". (#117771)
- Regression: Crash on deleting shape key from Blender File view. (#108407)
For a detailed list of bug fixes in each release, see 3.6 LTS releases on
LTS Program
Learn more about the LTS program on
Changed depots in v3.6 branch