Hi everyone!
This update brings some more changes to Adventure and changes the scaling of Infinity Stones.
The main focus of the Infinity Stone rescaling was to make Infinity Stones usable way before reaching the final military tier. Previously, there was barely a gradient between not charging the stones at all and instantly charging them in the blink of an eye. Now, it's possible to charge your first stone even without focusing directly on doing so. It's also much more rewarding now to reach higher infinities on lower difficulties due to the Infinity Power values now being multiplied together.
- added AI function 'Adventure: Mana'
- added AI function 'Adventure: Emeralds'
- added AI function 'Adventure: Has Phoenix Feather'
- added AI function 'Adventure: Has Item'
- added item 'Hammer'
- added relic 'Master Sword'
- added relic 'Master Armor'
- added new enemy
- removed 'Emerald Map' from market
- added 'Emerald Map' as chest drop (d50+)
- rescaled market prices
- changed 'Emerald' drop to fixed amount of 3 without 'Emerald Map' and to 6 otherwise
- removed drop cap of 'Emeralds' when 'Emerald Map' is unlocked (previously 100)
- increased chance of rocks on higher distances
- changed effect of item 'Holy Bomb'
- changed teleport location to be the closest exit (prefers x over y)
- changed effect of 'Phoenix Feather' to negate damage when player would die instead of setting player health to 3
Infinity Stone Rescaling
- added help page for infinity stones
- required start amount of stones now starts at 200
- upgrading reduces the charge amount by a fixed -1 (up to a total of -150)
- extraction bar production now starts at +1
- bars now have a base filling time of 10 minutes (down from 1 year)
- the duration upgrades now reduce the base charging time by a flat 5 sec. (up to -500 sec.)
- infinity power formula based on infinity highscores has been completely rescaled
- infinity powers for each difficulty now get multiplied together instead of added
- infinity power now has a logarithmic scaling to better reward spreading your highscores instead of constantly grinding the same difficulty
- the minimum and maximum charge time for infinity stones is now 0.028ms and ~33 hours
Changed files in this update