-Added alchemy into the abyss as a starter card.
-Suckerpunch now deals dark elemental damage as intended.
-Fixed AFP-78 Bug.
-Changed AFP-78 Fight so it spawn less abyssals, further preventing spawning bug.
-Legendary Rarity: Drops after level 40.
-Added new Ring sprite for Legendary Rings.
-Normal and Uncommon Rarity Equipments added to later level drop tables (They will still be buffed and appearing with rarity according to level, this only affects loot pools).
-Added new Equipment for various slots: Burning Belt, Charge Bow, Dancing Dagger, Hero Sword, Mace of Sorrow, Soul of Fire (Chest), Truesteel Shield, Warding Mace, Alchemy Cookbook, Blood Chest, Dark Wand, Transmutation Dagger, Mikazuchi Sword, Truesteel Boots, Adventurer Dagger and Rudra's Bow. Most of these equipments are legendary, give insane stats and are dropped after level 40.
-Added Explorer/Adventurer dagger as starting weapon (Requires Scavenger unlocked to appear).
-Certain pieces of equipent now can give initial auras to player. These initial auras do NOT use aura slots and are granted passively if the equipment piece is equipped. They are NOT optional.
-Pyromancer chest and Soul of fire now give pyromancer aura besides giving the Pyromancer Aura Card.
-Explorer Dagger now gives Luck of the novice aura passively.
-Adventurer dagger now gives luck of the novice aura passively + luck of the novice card.
-Starting Maces now require having Cleric unlocked instead of Hidden Vault 1 to appear.
-New Resource/Counter: Madness. Madness is given to the player whenever cursed by the abyss. This number persists through combat affecting the whole run. Resets on new run.
-New Equipment Set: Abyssal. These equipments effects scale with how much Madness the player has, giving some reward to using curse of the abyss. They also give the player Curse of the Abyss aura passively. Pieces of the set include: Abyssal Belt, Abyssal Boots, Abyssal Chest, Abyssal Cloak, Abyssal Gloves, Abyssal Helm, Abyssal Necklace, Abyssal shield and Abyssal Sword. This gives us a total of 25 new equipments added for this patch.
-Removed The End glitched music and replaced it with W6 music so you don't have to mute the game (And we reduce the size of the game).
-Fixed Blood Dance bug.
-Fixed Sacred Mantle bug.
-Equipment pieces now give less RNG HP (HP Given with Perk per tick 30 -> 20, % of giving HP per tick: 8 -> 5). Note that his does not affect Equipment pieces that give HP from base.
-Fixed bug that ignored card deck slots.
-Fixed Kaiser Slime not giving achievement bug.
The Abyss Within update for 20 February 2024
Version 1.20 - New Equipments and Bugfixes
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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