WAIDH v.0.160 (13500535) - Monday, 19/02/2024 ~19:55 GMT
Changes in this version:
- Added 3 new canned Food called Beaked Beans, Sweet Corn and Tomato Soup.
Eating any of these will give an Item called Empty Can which can be used to craft Standing Torch. - Improved fuel consumption function for Structures.
- Removed debugging from growing function for Small Planters.
- Updated Loot Table for random generated Chests, Backpacks and other Storages.
- Updated Static Mesh for Standing Torch.
- Added extra UI for Structures.
- Added a new "Food" called Aloe Flower.
Consuming Aloe Flower will give quick Health Regeneration.
Aloe Flower can be planted in Small Planters.
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Changed files in this update