"Ignorance of the law is no excuse." "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." We've all heard these sayings before, and they're totally true. With today's update, the long arm of the Eylinian law is cracking down on the most egregious of criminals: sleepers. All around the world, if you're caught trying to catch a few Z's at the local inn without paying, it's straight to the slammer for you, bub!
... If you get caught, that is. Dare you risk the free heals?
Now, this isn't to say that your first offense will be your last (you might be let off with a warning), but repeat offenders do run the risk of extended time behind bars. The penalty for a first incarceration is 1 minute, with each consequential offense afterward tacking on an additional 20 seconds to time spent. In addition to time spent, each offense will cost the offender an additional 1 GP to rest at the inn from thereon.
Do you still think it's worth it?
Thinly-veiled social commentary on the criminal justice system? Perhaps, but there is a way out: good behavior.
Now, whenever you commit a truly heroic act around Eylin, you will be rewarded with a decrease in inn costs for the surrounding/afflicted area. Bust a thief in Lefarnius? The cost goes down in Lefarnius. Save Vermolin from rampaging fiends? The cost goes down in Darunmus, Vermolin and the Fisherman's Outpost. Your good name can be restored*!
*Application to real life not withstanding. Tales from Zilmurik does not endorse criminal or vigilante actions of any kind regardless of circumstance. Abide by the laws of your land, player, and don't tell the court my video game inspired you to do it. If I get an email saying you said so, I'll be supremely disappointed.
Changed files in this update