A new core version from Weedman!
EW Sniper Damage class = 05 (meaning it does less damage to med hull / utl hull / hvy class and extra hvy class hull and lt/med shield)
Disable Gunships
Warden Ship takes Gunship's place
Add Warden minimap icon
Add PE Taser to Starbase useable on Warden as long range anti fighter weapon
Add ta_taser.ogg sound clip
Modify Sounddef for ta_taser.ogg clip
Implement new Fighter model
Implement new hitbox on Outpost - Expansion - Supremacy
EW StlGalv damage per shot = 2.5 (from 1.75) for 20 dmg/second
All Stations have lt base shield, meaning the shield can be gunned down for TT or HTT capture, this includes Garrison - Starbase - Exp - Adv Exp - Sup - Adv Sup - Tac - Adv Tac - SY - Drydock
All Stations have major base hull, meaning impervious to EW Galv, this includes Outpost - Refinery - Teleport
StationShield Repair = 1 (from 2)
StationHull Repair = 1.1 (from 2)
ShipSpeed = 1.1 (from 1)
ShipSensors = 1.1 (from 1)
ShipSignature = 1.1 (from 1)
Modify Sounddef for faohtau1/2/3.ogg sound clip to match fire rate of weapon
Add weed_burni.ogg for Afterburner sound effect (interior)
Add weed_burno.ogg for Afterburner sound effect (exterior)
Remove Lt SF (unused ship)
Remove Lt Int (unused ship)
Add 200 ammo to SB (for PE Tau cannon)
PE Tau Cannon: projectile speed 1400 (from 1000) range = 1400m (from 1000)
Ammo use: 2 per shot (from 3 per shot)
LRM Hunter 3x2: signature loaded = 0.5 (from 1) Hunt3 sig is 0.3
Attack Carriers:
Improve pilot handling (turn radius) they turn faster than the Attack Carriers of ac_09
Increase HP = 3000 (from 2000)
Rear thrust = 0.5 (from 1)
Max thrust = 20000 (from 15000) Increase thrust to mass ratio from 15, to 20
Add 1 turret to Destroyers (not for Rix) loads PW AC or PW Skycap or LT
Cost = 2000 (from 3000)
SRM EMP no longer requires Expansion Base to rearm. In the event of HTT docking to rearm even if Expansion
is lost, the missiles will replentish now. You must still research them. Once developed, or stolen, you will
never lose them. You will lose HTT if you lose the ship.
EW A-BS Can for TF mirrors this and no longer requires Expansion Base to rearm.
Remove Observer (unused from DN era to observe matches)
Remove Pre/Def 60 / Def 62 from factions Global pointing to unused string. Remove Def 240 from Rix. Cleaning up core.
Remove Station Shield 1&2 development (unused development)
Remove EW Phaser 23/Mini Phaser 123 (unused) For some reason EW Phaser1 is being stubborn and I have not found a way to delete it
(without crashing the core doing so).
Remove 2 PW Skyripper development / PE Skyripper development (unused as Skyripper part is included with med class development)
Remove VOID dev 399 from Garrison (any disabled tech or development will simply have a pre of 399 to disable it's use.
List of unused items in core: Dev Vulcan Cannon 2, Dev Aleph Res 2, Dev Aleph Res 3, Part EW Phaser
Remove unused "Cashbox" probe 1/2/3 (this was a hack to allow allied teams to transer money to other teams by ejecting probes worth cash to them.)
Was disabled and not in use.
Remove Light Class development from SY (unused) IC must still buy med class for Attack Carrier/ Destroyer/ Assault/ Frigate
Remove Frigate (unused ship)
Remove Lxy Sf (MS version Med Shield- unused ship)
PWRange = 1 (from 0.9)
PE Skycap1 available to Gunships/Hvy Bomber without SY and Light Class
Remove TowerAC probe (unused tower)
Remove Lt Int (unused ship)
Remove Kinetic Torpedo (unused missile)
Remove Heavy ER Nan (unused technology)
Remove Assault Ship N (unused technology)
Change Lt Sig Clk to 0.3 cloaking ability (from 0.5)
Remove Nova Bomb, Adv Fig/Adv SF/Hvy Scout/Hvy Int Attack Drones, Recon Drone, Rescue Drone.
He3 Yield to 1 (from 0.5)
Remove Shield Probe (unused technology)
Attack Carriers:
Mass 2500 (from 1000)
Reduce ammo to 1200 (from 1800), which may still be too much ammo. Left Rix at 1800 ammo.
PW Longtom:
Speed = 2000 (from 2500)
Lifespan = 1.25 (from 1)
Range = 2500m same as before
Damage = 100 (from 80)
Area Damage = 50
Increased damage of LT as Skycap was probably better.
Modify Sounddef.mdl for Mars base/booster sounds.
Modify Missionbrief.mdl for new Mars faction launch.
ShipAccel: 0.85 (worst in game)
ShipTurnRate: 1.2
ShipTurnTorque: 1.2
StationHull: 1
StationHull repair: 1
StationShield: 1
StationShield repair: 1
ShipHull: 0.9
ShipShield: 1
ShipShield repair: 1.15
ShipSensors: 1
ShipSignature: 1
ShipEnergy: 1.15
PWRange: 1
EWRange: 1.15
MissileTrack: 1.15
Ripcord: 1.1
PWDamage: 1
MissileDamage: 1
Cost: 0.9
ResearchTime: 1.5
Miners capacity: 0.25
He3 Speed: 0.5
He3 Yield: 1.1
Payday modifier: 0
Starting Money modifier: 0.2
All ships have access to a booster to compensate for poor acceleration.
Add capital ship booster and sound effects for interior and exterior.
Add faction bases (standard assortment - op ref tp galvable)
Add faction ships (standard assortment)
Miner drones have 0.25 he3 capacity. 0.5 he3 mining speed. 1.1 he3 yield.
Ability to buy 12 miner drones. 2000 each every 90 seconds.
Miners HitPoints 1/3 of normal miners. Miner 400HP, Enhanced Miner 533HP, Advanced Miner 666HP.
Miners load Med Shield. Miner mass = 70. Typical miner mass = 100. To offset the poor acceleration
to assist in lining up on doors. The miners will need to be managed I noted that even though
there was plenty of helium on rocks, they will leave a sector with a good amount of helium to go elsewhere.
This may have to do with the number of drones quietly calling dibs on a he3 rock to mine it.
It should go without saying Refineries are important for the economy.
I forsee managing the miners to be a full time job.
Lifepods are an advanced variety with upgraded speed to 100mps. Can ripcord in 30 seconds. Cannot be rescued
by teleport or refinery.
Miners: 2000 credits (90 seconds)
Carriers: 4000 credits (90 seconds)
TowerAc: 1000 credits (90 seconds)
Caltrop: 1500 credits (90 seconds)
TowerSC: 1500 credits (90 seconds)
Outpost: 5000 credits (90 seconds)
Refinery: 2000 credits (90 seconds)
Teleport: 3000 credits (90 seconds)
Sup/Exp/Tac: 10000 credits (90 seconds)
Shipyard: 15000 credits (90 seconds)
Garrison/SB: 20000 credits (90 seconds)
Station docking doors have increased in size ~20% just for Wizard.
Starting lineup:
Adv Scout
Bomber (7 second Booster2 duration)
Hvy Scout
Hvy Bomber (10 second Booster2 duration)
Enh Fighter
Adv Supremacy
Adv Fighter
Fighter Bomber
TT (6 second Booster2 duration)
Adv Expansion
Hvy Interceptor
HTT (6 second Booster2 duration)
Stealth Fighter
Adv Tactical
Adv Stealth Fighter
Stealth Bomber
Light Class
Attack Carrier
Med Class
Hyper Booster 1
Assault Ship
Heavy Class
Use standard tech, missiles, and proximity mines.
Changed files in this update