Thought i'd get this collection of improvements and fixes released, before I add in the next pirate behaviour addition. Was reported that a player was struggling with placing items on non internal floors. So i've added an overlay to visually show this when placing items. If anyone else is having issues with placing items / figuring out why items cant be placed / why that cant be reached, do let me know, and what might help you (better help/tutorial/visual clues/tooltips?).
Patch notes:-
- Canteen info added to help page.
- Improve: Show non enclosed floors as red, when building items, if no overlay is on.
- Improve: Reduce cannon ammo usage.
- Improve: Additional particle fx on pirate damage from lasers/cannons.
- Fix: No O2 alarm could keep switching on/off, if minimal air available. Add a delay to check for zero for more than a couple seconds.
- Fix: Crew quarters movement restriction should be 2 tiles, not 1.
- Fix: Airlock structure update should recheck airlock floor tile.
Changed files in this update