-new relic: Passive Portfolio
-new relic: Index Fund
-new relic: Money Printer Overload
-5 new combat rooms
-stat STR now gives 2% DMG REDUCTION (thanks rayna & shmuck)
-stat VIT now gives 1 HP REGEN
-hud Relic display can now be scrolled with mouse wheel to show offscreen relics
-2 unique walls for specific areas
-relic Hemomancer Sigil regen reduced
-tweaked XP rate
-ice tiles are more slippery (thanks dave)
-relic Pause Psy reworked (thanks HalvedDead)
-disease Tinnitus bullets travel faster
-disease Osteoexplosis bullets last longer
-revive effects now have a sound and SFX
-fixed enemy Spookener ghosts not fading in
-fixed enemies spawning in inaccessible locations (thanks Entropy)
-fixed perk Undying making enemies invincible (thanks NickIsCryptic)
-fixed boss benefitting from splitting perk (thanks NickIsCryptic)
-fixed negative luck crashing game when opening chests (thanks dave & HalvedDead)
Tony Napsack's charity
(awesome art by rayna, thank you!)
Changed files in this update