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Knightczech update for 19 February 2024

Major update: Spring 2024

Share · View all patches · Build 13496754 · Last edited 19 February 2024 – 12:19:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

_**It is this time of the year when Knightczech developer spontaneously rolls out new update, so, here are the main changes you should know about. Enjoy!

And of course, if you encounter some new bugs or unnatural things, please let me know via comment section on this post or via my support mail. Thank you!**_

General (QoL features)

  • Adjusted camera zoom settings slider in Settings - Preferences tab. Added "+" and "-" symbols so players can see if they increased or decreased the camera zoom.
  • Settings button in main menu of the game recieved text description because apparently some players did not know where the settings button is located.
Novice difficulty changes
  • Both story mode and classic mode recieved more tweaking in terms of enemy spawns, trap activation and terrain adjustments. Every area of classic and story mode should be (once again) easier to complete when Novice game difficulty is enabled.
  • Information about automatically enabled double jump in Novice difficulty was added to tutorial notes.

So, if you are one of those players that found the game too difficult, now it is the time to try it out again. wink wink

Incomming projectile indicator

When enemies that shoots small types of projectiles (bees, flowers, small Darklands towers, Phantoms...) attack you, it will display a small red circle that indicates where the projectile was aimed. It can be useful especially when sound effects are turned off.

Enemy soldiers behaviour

Enemy soldiers from Darklands recieved some updates in terms of attack and movement. They are easier to overcome in Novice game difficulty, but are slightly harder to fight on Veteran difficulty from now on.

Attack delay

When Novice difficulty is enabled, soldiers will delay their initial attack by 1 or 2 seconds, so they are easier to kite and kill (they are more like a lambs now, haha).

On Veteran difficulty, soldiers will not delay their initial attack and will attack you right away as it was before this update.

Jump ability

Oh yes, you are no longer the only one who can jump.

Once the enemy soldiers encounter an obstacle during the chase, they will try to jump over it. That means they can jump on higher platforms or overcome small ruins from bricks.

That also means they will try to jump after you when you are on elavated surface above them. And, yeah, they can overcome the stairs now, too. :-)

This applies to most of the soldiers on battlefield. But sometimes you can encounter some lazy individuals that cannot (or do not want to) jump. So... keep your eyes open.

Story mode

Prolog UI

You can now go through initial prolog and skip chapter prologs by pressing Enter (Return) key on your keyboard. This also applies to initial message pop-up when you hop into first level of story mode.

Shop menu UI

Adjusted shop menu elements so items with longer text description can be displayed correctly.

Knightczech Fullversion Depot 1382772
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