Hey everyone, Thomas Lean here!
Sheepy is updated again with a few other bugs fixed!
First of all, bosses are not bugging anymore if you hit them at a certain timing, it should work perfectly now and always resetting the boss correctly.
Next, a few minor things:
- You can't get stuck anymore into falling blocks when they respawn over you.
- The elevator sound loop is not playing infinitely anymore if you go away after activating an elevator.
- Falling instead of getting into the elevator at the end of the first boss purchase doesn't bug anymore.
- For the few who asked, you can now play with the directional pad :)
And last, we know that some other bugs are still here. The main one on which we want to focus right now is the gamepad not working for some of you. We've applied a few fixes already with 1.1 and it has worked for some of you, but it seems to still not work for some others.
We're still not sure why it's happening so if you want to help, feel free to let us know more about your setup (gamepad type, is it an official one or not? Are you using a software to remap it? etc). It may help us a lot to understand why it's still not working for you!
That's all for this one! We will still work on the remaining bugs during the next few weeks.
Thanks again a lot to everyone for playing Sheepy and thanks for all the good vibes <3
Changed files in this update