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The Leviathan's Fantasy update for 19 February 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13496128 · Last edited 19 February 2024 – 12:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Optimization content
1、Fixed the problem that adventurers had a probability of falling off from the edge after the mystic realm ended.
2、Optimized the effect of elf Bloodline, now elf Bloodline will greatly increase the damage of crit after advanced.
3. Added the function of checking all historical enhancement items at the airship.
4. Increased the control of the number of adventurers and tourists brought by the airships each time.
5. Fixed the bug that enemy adventurers would disappear when loading the file in some cases.
6. Fixed the quantity requirement of some quests and reduced the difficulty of the quests.
7. Removed the demand for some non-manufacturable goods from the orders of travelers.
8. Adjusted the technology of some decorations in the technology tree.
9. Optimized the descriptions of bloodline materials, and removed some words that would cause ambiguity.
10、Fixed the bug that the flying experience store can be recovered under special circumstances.
11、Fixed the bug that the building will disappear if the upgrade exceeds the loading.
12、Fixed the problem that there is a probability that the adventurer will be stuck after falling to death.
13、Fixed the BUG that the adventurer will not sell anything after automatic bounty.
14、Increased the drop rate of some task items.
15、Fixed the bug that adventurers will frequently want to go exploring.

Windows Depot 1994371
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