I feel like the tutorial suite is pretty decent now so I'm moving the project version number up a little bit.
- Added ability to drag a window by any open area
- Made hostile drone placeholders randomized
- New node drag and paste logic, the pasted and placed nodes will remain selected
- Prompts for some common controls are now displayed in sections, will go away once the control is used
- First A1 objective is now to only simulate a battle, winning was moved to second objective
- A1 hostile fighter now moves forward slowly
- New orientation flow, after first simulation it sends you to equip a new item. Flaunter section is gone from initial orientation.
- Added height slider to obstacle options
- Added obstacle appearance editing to sandbox demonstration
- Laser beams now flicker so it looks like they're doing something
- Moved 1v1 and 3v3 challenge code to be more obvious and clickable to copy it to clipboard
- New tutorial set to go over the Flaunter, activates when you earn 10+ stars or manually from the settings help section
- Improved tutorial prompt arrow visibility
- Various oddity fixes and graphical alterations
Changed files in this update