Here it folks, this is the big update we’ve been working towards for several months now. We will finally open up access to Midair 2 directly on Steam, allowing users to request access and join the Playtest without needing to join discord and get a key. Additionally, we will now leave Playtest servers up 24x7 instead of just on the weekends. These are two huge changes in and of themselves, but we’ve got a patch chock-full of updates, new features, and bug fixes as well. Thank you so much to all those who’ve participated in Playtest since last October; we’re excited to share this next phase of Playtest with you all!
- Added floating damage numbers with toggle (visible in last patch but absent from notes)
- Demo fixes and functional again
- Patreon supporters will now get an (optional?) star next to their in-game name
- Updated jetpack sfx
- Added 2nd layer of speed-based wind
Map Updates
- All CTF & TDM maps: Consistency in post-processing settings for lens-flare (off), motion blur (on), and LUTs.
- Some fogs are now volumetric in levels where they weren’t before
- Relay, Forlorn, Hadrian, Octane, Silvas have received significant visual updates.
- Minor visual tweaks and a couple of minor bug fixes elsewhere.
- CTF-Kryosis and CTF-Raptor, among a few others, have been removed for the time being while reworks are considered.
- Duplicate servers should no longer appear in server browser
- Sorting by ping should be fixed
- Framerate cap should be fixed - changing requires restarting the game.
- Motion blur fixed - works in first person as well as third now
- Flag grab speed is now displayed in chat
- Friendly IFFs now always visible
- Shrunk spawn-in beam VFX; adjusted animation timing
- Updated all CTF loading screens and end of match screens
- Updated Practice Menu with latest maps and thumbnails
- Removed deaths from in-game scoreboard
- kills will soon be awarded to enemy that last shot you, if >50% dmg, when you evacuate before deat
Known Issues
- Bot behaviour - planning a bigger upgrade in future, but will fix the following issues soon:
- Issues with hit markers/hit audio
- Bot jetpack audio will sound buggy due to some undesirable behaviour
- Matchmaking has received significant simplification but is as yet non-functional, we hope to address this in an update soon.
Changed files in this update