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EndCycle VS update for 19 February 2024

2.9 Update!!! Improved Practice and FunTime mode + Huge balancing!

Share · View all patches · Build 13492662 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:33:51 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! We're back to regular updates for the game, which means there's a ton of new content for you all to look forward to! Let's get right into it!

Improved Fun Time mode

Ever wanted to play online with no cooldowns? 100x the damage? Only 20% HP, or even 200%?

Say less, we got you covered! You can now adjust these settings when playing the Fun Time mode both offline or online!

Practice Mode Options

For those of you wanting to test all of the game's parameters, you can now adjust them when fighting in the standard Practice Battle!

This should make testing your strategies easier than ever before!

Re-Balanced Attacks and Characters

After our last tournament, we went all out on patching the game and it's strats. Here are a few highlights of the changes:

Most objects now have their health reduced to 300. This should enable you to finally get rid of pesky road-blocks your opponent places to protect themselves!

We adjusted Fin a little bit. With the powerful strategies displayed by our devoted fan Herkura, it was near impossible to make a dent in his overheal stall strat. Now you will notice that Fin has significantly slower Ultra gain and the Ultra does not refill his cooldowns any longer. Fin is still a powerful tank to be aware of, but now you should be able to deal with him before the time expires!

New sand panels! They now slow down cooldowns and entities standing on top of them! This should encourage their use a little more, as they are definitely a stronger presence to be aware of!


Here's all the changes as a list:

  • New developer-side debug tools for easier desync detection!
  • Reworked Sand Panels: Entities standing on them are now slowed down!
  • Practice mode improvements: Damage tracker, settings to change the battle field panels or adapt practice dummy!
  • Brand new Funtime mode: Modify base HP, Damage OR EVEN COOLDOWNS!
  • Fixed AI enemies using removed VOCs and styles

  • Neutral Panel party revert duration 16 -> 14 seconds

  • Enemy Panel party revert duration 8 -> 4 seconds

  • Reduced Move panel duration from 20 -> 10 seconds

  • VOCs:

  • Lv1 Companion: Reduced Health from 500 to 300

  • Lv2 Panic: Element Normal -> Fire

  • Lv3 Snacker: Element Normal -> Nature

  • Lv1 ShotCorn: Damage 60 -> 40, crush 6% -> 7%; Explosion damage 160 -> 120, crush 20% -> 15%

  • Lv1 LifeHook: Removed being able to pull heals out of objects

  • Lv2 Mosquito: Reduced range

  • Lv2 IceCube: Reduced Health from 600 to 300

  • Lv3 Anthem: Reduced Health from 350 to 300, removed stun

  • Lv4 Generator: Reduced Health from 400 to 300

  • Lv4 Bomboyage: Reduced Health from 500 to 300

  • Characters:

  • Fin: Reduced Hyperactive speed buff from 35% to 20%; Reduced Ultra gain from getting crushed / damaged; Removed Ultra VOC refilling gauges

  • Fossil Fuel: Ultra now falls slower

  • Tri-Wing: Increased Fuel system recharge speed 6 -> 5 seconds

  • Styles:

  • Lv0 Flip: Now decreases VOC Power/Healing by 25% and increases crush by 25%

  • Tempo Lv0 -> Lv1

  • Impact Lv0 -> Lv1

  • Lv1 Float: Reduced duration 6 -> 5 seconds

  • Lv1 Magnet: Increased duration 2 -> 2.5 seconds

  • Lv1 Repel: Increased duration 2 -> 4 seconds

We're so thankful for your continued support and can't wait to bring you more updates in the near future!

Stay tuned!
Gal Axis & Daniel Dorner - 12B3 Games

Windows EndCycle VS Content Windows Depot 886201
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Linux 64-bit EndCycle VS Linux 64 Depot 886203
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