Beta Release 1.0.5
We are back! some development has been worked on but mostly this has been a focus on a few specific things. The final boss has been fully remade. Damage and health numbers have been re-balanced. Easy is now the default, other difficulties have not been balanced yet. "Empty rooms" are no longer empty. Cost rebalance for some of the shops.
Balance changes:
-- Changed the amount of regeneration given by divine slime.
-- Adjusted difficulty scaling to be in a good state for easy. Other difficulties not yet tested.
-- Adjusted health and damage numbers for shade enemies.
-- Adjusted damage numbers for Elite skeletons.
-- Adjusted damage scaling for bats and elite bats.
-- Adjusted how elemental enhancement scales damage for enemies.
-- Made shop roulette a bit more expensive.
-- Adjusted the speed and trail length on the snail boss, it should now feel a lot better.
New content:
-- All empty rooms now instead indicate which boss is coming up. There are 6 different room variants based on the boss.
-- Added a "Tutorial" checkbox on the main menu, this should allow the replayability of the tutorial or skipping of such.
-- Full rework of the final boss. It now has 4 phases which it progresses through during the combat.
-- Final boss phase 1 is similar to the previous phase, but now has more adjusted shooting patterns, including burst and pause. Movement pattern has also been altered.
-- Final boss phase 2 is an elemental phase where the boss will throw out tornadoes, fireballs and acid pits all meant to hamper the player.
-- Final boss phase 3 is an ad spawn boss with a new add called a "slime spawn" (creative, i know). They are simple creatures intended to serve as an added difficulty. (known bug here, they can spawn outside the map)
-- Final boss phase 4 is a chaotic phase in which the boss will do all 3 phases at the same time, this should create some fun and stressful last seconds.
Bug fixes:
-- Fixed an issue where the final boss would spawn invisible.
-- Fixed an issue where the final boss would be unkillable.
-- Fixed a graphical issue where the health bar for shade brothers was showing too much health.
-- Fixed a performance issue when loading the last floor.
-- Fixed an issue where some monsters would scale from elemental damage twice.
-- Fixed an issue where fully charging a charged shot would not allow the shot to pierce.
-- Fixed an issue where Life steal would not activate.
-- Fixed an issue where some hitboxes would outlive their owner.
Changed files in this update