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The Dungeon Beneath update for 18 February 2024

v1.5.0 - The Tower Update

Share · View all patches · Build 13492284 · Last edited 18 February 2024 – 23:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Tower Update is here! This update is our largest yet, bringing an entirely new game mode, a new Manacast ability, overleveling, new localization, and more!


The Tower is a brand-new game mode. Ascend a nearly endless tower, fighting a wide variety of new bosses and enemies.

  • 40+ new enemies and bosses.
  • More variety in each run with procedurally generated battles.
  • Unlock new floors by completing a run.

Dev note: I've had a ton of fun making this mode. I wanted to add a mode with more of an "arcade feel", where you can test the limits of what's possible - both for your party and the enemy. The Tower adds a lot more variety in the enemies that you'll encounter, and the rooms that you'll find. But be warned - the top floors are exceptionally difficult!


This update adds a brand-new keyword: Manacast. Characters with this keyword can trigger an ability a limited number of times during a battle.

The following characters have been updated to use Manacast:

  • Taz'Gyn, of the Old Moon. Manacast 2: Summon an enemy Lesser Void Wisp. Inexhaustible.
  • Cleric of the Dark. When this character kills an enemy gain Shield. Manacast 1: Gain Shield.
  • Druid. Manacast 1: Summon a Dove / Raven / Wolf twice.
  • Elemancer. When an allied elemental is summoned gain +1 Attack. Manacast 1 / 2: Summon a Lightning Wisp.
  • Flame Adept. Also damages enemies in the same column. Manacast 1 / 2 / 3: Attack.
  • Steel Summoner. Manacast 1: Summon a Lesser / Normal / Greater Metal Wisp.
  • Venin Witch. Deals double damage to Poisoned characters. Manacast 1 / 2: Summon a Poisonous Slime.
  • Xerxis. Poisonous. Manacast 1 / 2: Summon a Poison Scale.

Dev note: Manacast was added to help mitigate some of the frustration with summon builds, giving you more control over when summons appear. However, Manacast also opens up additional interesting character designs!


Characters can now level up endlessly! At level 4 and above, they'll gain a specific bonus - either increasing their health, damage, mana, or the strength of their ability. You can see "overlevel bonuses" in the Book of Champions.


This update brings a significant balance overhaul - buffing a number of characters and artifacts. The following characters have been buffed:

  • Armored Knight. Now has 6/9/12 health, and 1 attack.
  • Ayma, Lightning Caller. Increased stats to 9 health, 3 attack.
  • Cultist. Increased attack to 2
  • Brewmaster. Now has 1 attack, 4/6/8 health, and "Counter: Restore 2 health to a damaged non-heroic ally."
  • Butcher. Is now inexhaustible.
  • Cleric of the Rose. Now has 1 attack, 3/4/5 health, and "Hope: Deal 1/2/3 damage to the nearest enemy in this lane."
  • Cleric of the Path. Now has 2 attack, and "Follow Up: Restore 1/2/3 health to a damaged non-heroic ally."
  • Druid. Now has 3 attack at level 3. Additionally, now uses Manacast.
  • Haruspex. Now has "Doom: Deal 2/3/4 damage to a random enemy."
  • Nyx, of the Old Moon. Increased attack to 4.
  • Royal Guard. Now has 1/2/3 attack.
  • Steel Summoner. Can attack from anywhere. Lesser / Normal / Greater Metal Wisps have 1 attack, but give +1/2/3 Armor.
  • Venin Drinker. Increase health to 5/7/9.
  • Xerxis. Increased health to 5/7. Additionally, now uses Manacast.
  • Ven, the Eldest. Now has 12 health, and "When a poisoned character dies, gain +1 Attack and restore 2 health."

The following artifacts have been buffed:

  • Blood Hex - After the first and second round, summon an enemy Blood Shade.
  • Essence Distiller - After the first round, summon an enemy Void Wisp. (Was previously a lesser void wisp.)
  • Pure Venin. Enemies take +2 damage from poison.
  • Staff of the Flame. Battle Start: Deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
  • Staff of the Sky. Battle Start: Give all allies +1 Power.
  • Staff of the Void. Round End: Deal 1 damage to the lowest health enemy. (Previously was any random enemy.)
  • The Arbiter's Cloak. Allies gain +3 speed. (Previously was elves and elementals only.)


This update includes French and Spanish (Latin America) localization! A special thanks to Francisco Rodríguez, Milagros Saulo, Gino Ariel Orsini, and Abril Santillán for their help with Spanish localization. (And thanks for your patience with this update!)

Want to help improve the localization for this update? Check out our Localizor page.


  • New artifact. Holy Blade. Your hero has "Hope: Gain +1 Power."
  • New artifact. Manastone. Manacast characters have +1 Mana.
  • New artifact. Manablade. When a character manacasts, your hero gains +1 Attack.
  • Custom run settings are now saved.
  • Custom runs let you choose your starting "bonus" character.


  • Death's Grace now works correctly with characters that have armor.
  • Winning a run on a lower difficulty no longer replaces medals in the Book of Champions that were awarded for completing a higher difficulty.
  • Fixed several German translation errors.

Do you have thoughts for what you'd like to see in-game? Let us know on our forums!

As always, thanks for playing!

macOS 64-bit The Dungeon Beneath Depot Mac Depot 1359121
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Windows 64-bit The Dungeon Beneath Depot PC Depot 1359122
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