Ever since the game was released, many folks have asked for headshot mechanism. The game had headshots but it was simulated - when you land a hit on the NPC, it just rolls a dice to get a headshot and you also don't really know when it happens.
But now, I have finally found a way to make headshots more satisfying! But here's the catch: if you are playing with the gamepad or the "ChaseCam" control scheme, headshots are still going to be simulated with a dice roll, because the aim is automatic and there's no way to fix the aim on the head. So the new manual headshot mechanism only applies to the other control schemes where you can aim with your mouse.
Also, headshots only apply to HUMANs in the game. I'm not yet sure whether I want to implement headshots for ghouls since they are supposed to be more tanky, and there hasn't been any headshot mechanism ever (even simulated one) for them.
So if you are aiming with mouse, it's best to use a laser sight to make sure the aim is on point. If you land a hit on the head, you'll see the solid circle/dot showing up on your crosshair and you'll hear a different hitmarker sound. If the enemy's head is protected by helmet, you'll hear a metal hitmarker sound. Headshots does 1.5x the damage and it can be combined with critical hits.
Be aware though - if you aim for the head there's still a chance that the shot misses. If you miss the head, you will either land a body shot, or simply no hit at all. So there's a risk to going for headshots. It's best to go for it while enemy is standing still and unaware. Since it's a new feature, I'm sure there are aspects of headshots that can be improved upon. Please let me know your feedback:)
Finally, regarding Slaughterhouse DLC - I'm just waiting for translation to be completed, and I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to release it sometime this coming week! Make sure to wishlist so you don't miss the launch discount :)
Some other fixes added to 1.78-9:
Fixed a major bug with human NPCs unable to sprint due to a change I added a week earlier. This would prevent them from hiding behind covers while attacking you.
Fixed a bug with player movement becoming all jumpy after performing a power melee attack while crouching.
Current motorcycle and railroad handcar locations will now be displayed when you open the travel dialogue (like when you try to travel to another area)
Arm strength requirements for guns will now be displayed as an attribute
Scream attacks from ghouls will now have a damage cap of 50 instead of potentially killing you outright.
Scream attacks will now show blood spatter on the screen if player is hit by it
"Air puff" explosions from ghouls will no longer penetrate walls
Added navmesh obstacles on loot boxes so that NPCs don't walk through them
Various fixes for slaughterhouse mode
Changed files in this update