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Store Simulator update for 18 February 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13491197 · Last edited 18 February 2024 – 18:06:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Now customers can harness the power of the internet, transcending the boundaries of your store! Offer them the convenience of exploring and shopping from the comfort of their homes. Add your warehouse products to the online market, swiftly confirm orders, and deliver them to your customers' doorsteps, reaping exciting profits. But remember, in the race against time, every second counts. Fail to confirm orders promptly, and customers may vanish!


In addition to this incredible development, we're taking your store's adventure to a new level! You'll now have an expanded area on the second floor, eagerly awaited by customers for exploration.

Don't worry about your products not fitting on the shelves! With the excitement of having a brand new and spacious area, start preparing to offer more products to your customers!


1 - Employees now have the ability to open markets.
2 - Customer passage through shelves has been blocked, ensuring a more organized shopping experience.
3 - Visual glitches when moving shelves have been fixed, providing a smoother gaming experience.
4 - Save button added on the tablet, making progress saving easier.
5 - Errors in task prioritization have been resolved, ensuring a more consistent game progression.
6 - Comments' background set to red and green, introducing a more visual feedback system.
7 - Corrections made in translations, improving the game's multilingual usage.
8 - Adjustments made in the accounting panel, allowing for a clearer view of your financial status.
9 - AI enhancements implemented, offering a smarter and more interactive gaming experience.

Road Map:

1 - New products will be added to diversify the shopping experience.
2 - New shelves will be added to expand the display area for more products.
3 - New levels and tasks will be added to make the game experience more engaging.

Market Simulator is now more up-to-date and exciting! Are you ready to explore the innovations?

Please contribute to the development of our game! Join our Discord server to share any issues you encounter or suggestions you have for additions to the game.

We value your feedback and eagerly look forward to collaborating with you to further improve our game. See you on Discord!

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