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Bounty of One update for 19 February 2024

Bounty of One x Ludeo integration!

Share · View all patches · Build 13489760 · Last edited 19 February 2024 – 16:09:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey fellow outlaws!

It's been a while an you might be wondering what we've been up to! I am here to answer such question. For one, we have a few things brewing in the background and we hope to be able to share them with you very soon but also, we been working hard on the implementation of a new feature. Have you ever looked at someone else's gameplay and thought to yourself: "Damn, I can do this WAY better!"? Or “phew, that looked like a fun situation to be in”?

Let me introduce you to:

In short, it is like making a short video via Instant Replay, but instead of just watching that gameplay bit or sharing it as video - with Ludeo, you can play that exact bit. And the good thing is? You don't need to install anything! (Except for owning Bounty of One of course 🙂)

Ludeo is now available with Bounty of One in the open public beta!

Ludeo has been working with us to integrate Bounty of One with their platform. Our team is now ready to test it with you, and we would appreciate any feedback you can provide!

To gain access to the test branch, follow these steps :

  • Right click on Bounty of One in your Steam library and select properties
  • go to the Betas tab
  • In the Betas and select the “Public BETA” branch in the scroll down button
  • update the game and you're good to go

How to create your Bounty of One Ludeos

To create your ludeos, follow these steps :

  • First, sign in with your Steam account at [](
  • Run Bounty of One (Ludeo is available only in the Bounty Hunted mode) and, once you start a new run, you will see a popup that will notify you when you can capture your gameplay. Simply press the L key three times consecutively to record the last minute of your game.
    You just had an epic showdown? A close-call escape? Go ahead and capture that moment!
  • You can keep playing your run, all of your captured moments are waiting for you in the Ludeo Creator Studio. When you want to start creating your Ludeo, hit edit on the captured moment you want in your highlights on the ludeo website
  • There, you can trim your Ludeo and assign an objective for others to complete. For example - Collect X coins, Kill X enemies flawlessly, i.e. without taking any damage. You can also set different scoring objectives that players will gain extra points for doing (yeah, there are leaderboards too)
  • Once you’re happy with your Ludeo settings you're good to go! Publish your Ludeo and share your link. Everyone will be able to replay that exact moment and compete on who will do it with the most points. It’s that easy to create your first Ludeo!

Discord Event! Share your Ludeo for a chance to win a Steam gift card!

To celebrate the first public test of our integration of Ludeo. For the next week, up to the end of February we welcome you to share your Ludeos at the ⁠ludeo-share channel on our Discord server

Describe why you think your Ludeo stands out from the rest! It can be a really challenging Ludeo to complete or a Ludeo that will require extra skill to get the most points possible! At the end of the month, the Bounty of One and Ludeo team will pick the top 3 Ludeos and will give $10 Steam Gift cards for the winners!

We also took the opportunity of this announcement to make quick patch. Mainly, we visually improved the map and the FXs’s clarity. You can check out the patch’s content hereafter.

I hope you’ll enjoy playing Ludeo, we will be back in a bit for more news from our side!



Contents :


Visual update:
  • Map update: the visual of the tiles that make up the map have been updated to be more crisp.
  • Map Update : the Nightmare Escape mode now has a different look to make it seem more like a cemetery
  • Updated resolution of the assets used in FXs to make them more crisp
  • PistoRang is not affected by Area of Effect anymore.
  • Projectiles which were supposed to bounce off the screen’s sides (both enemies and allies one) would sometimes get destroyed instead. This should not happen anymore, get ready!
Quality of life:
  • Added sound feedback and visual near character for Madlyn’s Scrap Gun
  • Fixed some enemies not disappearing when they were too far away from the player, leading to less enemies when the player was constantly moving.
Language improvement:
  • Updated spanish translation
  • Corrected some typo in french translation

Windows Depot 1968731
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