This update aims to help players who find Heli-Cats's power up resource system too stressful to manage. All Cat types now have more level 3 normal shots available. Orbs also refill the meter more. Basically, there is no need to keep refilling with orbs as often, allowing players to explore and better understand the relationship of the different shots.
This changes the flow of the game depending on how one plays.
Those who are getting better with the mechanics should find maintaining level 3 in missions and during boss encounters much more relaxed. Shot discipline is still very important and players holding auto fire constantly will not see as much benefit. Check out the Focus Shot post below to learn how it works in detail. The focus shot is not just for getting orbs. Learning how to alternate the shots brings out the full potential of the helicopters.
Players going for score will now have to be aware of the longer time it takes to power down from level 3. Taking risks and deliberately staying at a low level will still yield the greatest scores, but that is really for advanced players.
Overall, everyone should be able to progress further with the increased survivability.
Ver 1.0.3 Update Notes:
- Increased the amount of level 3 normal shots available across all Cat types.
- Increased the orb refill amounts for level 3.
Changed files in this update