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Cyclic Warriors update for 18 February 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13488210 · Last edited 18 February 2024 – 02:39:35 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a small bug fix patch that resolves the issues I missed in the last update.

New Features:
You can now buy a better version of the Ion Sword if you are using the Arrogant Playstyle! It not only has a longer range of attack, but also recharges your time energy very fast while it is equipped, allowing you to dodge between timelines as you approach your enemies.

-Increased the Laser Pistols damage from 30 to 44
-Made it so that in Last Standing, if all players are dead, the round will immediately end, saying "All bots have won" and all living bots will gain 1 point.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed Max km/h stat in Last Standing. It was displaying wrong, always as 144km/h
-Fixed error where you sometimes couldn't capture the flag
-Fixed an error where the Playstyle menu would get stuck on your screen in Last Standing
-Fixed a error where Respawn button sometimes wouldn't respawn you
-Fixed the chat, so that you can now properly send messages even when the game has ended. Time to say gg to everyone!
-Fixed the spectating camera flying around when the person who you were spectating died
-Reduced impulse from being shot by a grenade while living, to reduce the bug where you would sometime get pushed through a wall

Thank you for reading the patch notes! Have a great day!

Windows English Depot 2746001
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