Some Gameplay content !
Overall the game would be easier because the changes are all buff to the player !
The game could be a bit to hard at the start and could feel unfair
Changes to the Upgrade :
There are now rarity to the upgrade :
- Common (which are the usual ones)
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
Each tier is more powerful and more rare than the other ! all the upgrades except spell unlocks have rarity variants !
There is also a new upgrade :
The spell damage upgrade, which as the name implies increases all of your spells damage it's a multiplier so it can rise your damage by a lot !
Spell changes
- You can now switch the order of your spells ! Which changes the bindings order too ! By using the pause menu and clicking the spells when you have at least two of them
- Bug fix where the spells would be shown not usuable even if you had the right amount of mana
New Permanent upgrade
The transcended Magic Upgrade which increases the spells cost by 4 but the spells damage are multiplied by 2, infinite damage combos incomming !
Quality of life
- New Rewards under some lower times in the dungeons
- Changed some UI of the game
- Changed the timing of the shield to be less punishing when used early
- Fix minor bugs
Changed files in this update