---These are still in the works---
[ ] Selection skills bug
[ ] Change the allignment of Hero Drag to the feet
[ ] Able to move Dishes (doesn't cost action)
[ ] Grey out Hosting if you're at the kitchen
Grey out Dish if you're in the taproom
Basically Grey out a move if you can't use it.
We should also separate the Hosting and Dish within the Tavern Sim so its SUPER obvious what moves are (Hosting vs Dish)
--- Features Completed ---
[X] Removed flavor text
[X] Description under forecast
[X] Description Hosting and Dish moves
[X] Each hero has 10 SP and Energy
[X] Remove Descriptions
[X] Energy/SP can be moved like a slider
[X] Go back button if you click on a Targetable special skill
[X] Special moves = consise description
[X] Remove opposite type damage
[X] Yield Double gold for Skill damage same type
[X] Can interact with slider HP
[X] Abigail Bandage
[X] Graphical "error" in beginning set up of Tavern_Sim
[X] If select Energy, is says cost x energy
If select special, it says cost x SP in blue
[X] Have the dishes on their head if they're holding it
Changed files in this update